Grammar 0 $accept: doc $end 1 doc: atom 2 | YAML_DOCSEP atom_or_empty 3 | /* empty */ 4 atom: word_rep 5 | ind_rep 6 ind_rep: struct_rep 7 | YAML_TRANSFER ind_rep 8 | YAML_TAGURI ind_rep 9 | YAML_ANCHOR ind_rep 10 | indent_open ind_rep indent_flex_end 11 atom_or_empty: atom 12 | empty 13 empty: indent_open empty indent_end 14 | /* empty */ 15 | YAML_ITRANSFER empty 16 | YAML_TRANSFER empty 17 | YAML_TAGURI empty 18 | YAML_ANCHOR empty 19 indent_open: YAML_IOPEN 20 | indent_open YAML_INDENT 21 indent_end: YAML_IEND 22 indent_sep: YAML_INDENT 23 indent_flex_end: YAML_IEND 24 | indent_sep indent_flex_end 25 word_rep: YAML_TRANSFER word_rep 26 | YAML_TAGURI word_rep 27 | YAML_ITRANSFER word_rep 28 | YAML_ANCHOR word_rep 29 | YAML_ALIAS 30 | YAML_WORD 31 | YAML_PLAIN 32 | indent_open word_rep indent_flex_end 33 struct_rep: YAML_BLOCK 34 | implicit_seq 35 | inline_seq 36 | implicit_map 37 | inline_map 38 implicit_seq: indent_open top_imp_seq indent_end 39 | indent_open in_implicit_seq indent_end 40 basic_seq: '-' atom_or_empty 41 top_imp_seq: YAML_TRANSFER indent_sep in_implicit_seq 42 | YAML_TRANSFER top_imp_seq 43 | YAML_TAGURI indent_sep in_implicit_seq 44 | YAML_TAGURI top_imp_seq 45 | YAML_ANCHOR indent_sep in_implicit_seq 46 | YAML_ANCHOR top_imp_seq 47 in_implicit_seq: basic_seq 48 | in_implicit_seq indent_sep basic_seq 49 | in_implicit_seq indent_sep 50 inline_seq: '[' in_inline_seq ']' 51 | '[' ']' 52 in_inline_seq: inline_seq_atom 53 | in_inline_seq ',' inline_seq_atom 54 inline_seq_atom: atom 55 | basic_mapping 56 implicit_map: indent_open top_imp_map indent_end 57 | indent_open in_implicit_map indent_end 58 top_imp_map: YAML_TRANSFER indent_sep in_implicit_map 59 | YAML_TRANSFER top_imp_map 60 | YAML_TAGURI indent_sep in_implicit_map 61 | YAML_TAGURI top_imp_map 62 | YAML_ANCHOR indent_sep in_implicit_map 63 | YAML_ANCHOR top_imp_map 64 complex_key: word_rep 65 | '?' atom indent_sep 66 complex_value: atom_or_empty 67 complex_mapping: complex_key ':' complex_value 68 in_implicit_map: complex_mapping 69 | in_implicit_map indent_sep basic_seq 70 | in_implicit_map indent_sep complex_mapping 71 | in_implicit_map indent_sep 72 basic_mapping: atom ':' atom_or_empty 73 inline_map: '{' in_inline_map '}' 74 | '{' '}' 75 in_inline_map: inline_map_atom 76 | in_inline_map ',' inline_map_atom 77 inline_map_atom: atom 78 | basic_mapping Terminals, with rules where they appear $end (0) 0 ',' (44) 53 76 '-' (45) 40 ':' (58) 67 72 '?' (63) 65 '[' (91) 50 51 ']' (93) 50 51 '{' (123) 73 74 '}' (125) 73 74 error (256) YAML_ANCHOR (258) 9 18 28 45 46 62 63 YAML_ALIAS (259) 29 YAML_TRANSFER (260) 7 16 25 41 42 58 59 YAML_TAGURI (261) 8 17 26 43 44 60 61 YAML_ITRANSFER (262) 15 27 YAML_WORD (263) 30 YAML_PLAIN (264) 31 YAML_BLOCK (265) 33 YAML_DOCSEP (266) 2 YAML_IOPEN (267) 19 YAML_INDENT (268) 20 22 YAML_IEND (269) 21 23 Nonterminals, with rules where they appear $accept (23) on left: 0 doc (24) on left: 1 2 3, on right: 0 atom (25) on left: 4 5, on right: 1 11 54 65 72 77 ind_rep (26) on left: 6 7 8 9 10, on right: 5 7 8 9 10 atom_or_empty (27) on left: 11 12, on right: 2 40 66 72 empty (28) on left: 13 14 15 16 17 18, on right: 12 13 15 16 17 18 indent_open (29) on left: 19 20, on right: 10 13 20 32 38 39 56 57 indent_end (30) on left: 21, on right: 13 38 39 56 57 indent_sep (31) on left: 22, on right: 24 41 43 45 48 49 58 60 62 65 69 70 71 indent_flex_end (32) on left: 23 24, on right: 10 24 32 word_rep (33) on left: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32, on right: 4 25 26 27 28 32 64 struct_rep (34) on left: 33 34 35 36 37, on right: 6 implicit_seq (35) on left: 38 39, on right: 34 basic_seq (36) on left: 40, on right: 47 48 69 top_imp_seq (37) on left: 41 42 43 44 45 46, on right: 38 42 44 46 in_implicit_seq (38) on left: 47 48 49, on right: 39 41 43 45 48 49 inline_seq (39) on left: 50 51, on right: 35 in_inline_seq (40) on left: 52 53, on right: 50 53 inline_seq_atom (41) on left: 54 55, on right: 52 53 implicit_map (42) on left: 56 57, on right: 36 top_imp_map (43) on left: 58 59 60 61 62 63, on right: 56 59 61 63 complex_key (44) on left: 64 65, on right: 67 complex_value (45) on left: 66, on right: 67 complex_mapping (46) on left: 67, on right: 68 70 in_implicit_map (47) on left: 68 69 70 71, on right: 57 58 60 62 69 70 71 basic_mapping (48) on left: 72, on right: 55 78 inline_map (49) on left: 73 74, on right: 37 in_inline_map (50) on left: 75 76, on right: 73 76 inline_map_atom (51) on left: 77 78, on right: 75 76 state 0 0 $accept: . doc $end YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_DOCSEP shift, and go to state 9 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 3 (doc) doc go to state 13 atom go to state 14 ind_rep go to state 15 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 1 9 ind_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . ind_rep 28 word_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 ind_rep go to state 23 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 24 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 2 29 word_rep: YAML_ALIAS . $default reduce using rule 29 (word_rep) state 3 7 ind_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . ind_rep 25 word_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 ind_rep go to state 25 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 26 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 4 8 ind_rep: YAML_TAGURI . ind_rep 26 word_rep: YAML_TAGURI . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 ind_rep go to state 27 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 28 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 5 27 word_rep: YAML_ITRANSFER . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 33 state 6 30 word_rep: YAML_WORD . $default reduce using rule 30 (word_rep) state 7 31 word_rep: YAML_PLAIN . $default reduce using rule 31 (word_rep) state 8 33 struct_rep: YAML_BLOCK . $default reduce using rule 33 (struct_rep) state 9 2 doc: YAML_DOCSEP . atom_or_empty YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 34 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 35 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 36 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) atom go to state 38 ind_rep go to state 15 atom_or_empty go to state 39 empty go to state 40 indent_open go to state 41 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 10 19 indent_open: YAML_IOPEN . $default reduce using rule 19 (indent_open) state 11 50 inline_seq: '[' . in_inline_seq ']' 51 | '[' . ']' YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 ']' shift, and go to state 42 '{' shift, and go to state 12 atom go to state 43 ind_rep go to state 15 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 in_inline_seq go to state 44 inline_seq_atom go to state 45 implicit_map go to state 21 basic_mapping go to state 46 inline_map go to state 22 state 12 73 inline_map: '{' . in_inline_map '}' 74 | '{' . '}' YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 '}' shift, and go to state 47 atom go to state 48 ind_rep go to state 15 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 basic_mapping go to state 49 inline_map go to state 22 in_inline_map go to state 50 inline_map_atom go to state 51 state 13 0 $accept: doc . $end $end shift, and go to state 52 state 14 1 doc: atom . $default reduce using rule 1 (doc) state 15 5 atom: ind_rep . $default reduce using rule 5 (atom) state 16 10 ind_rep: indent_open . ind_rep indent_flex_end 20 indent_open: indent_open . YAML_INDENT 32 word_rep: indent_open . word_rep indent_flex_end 38 implicit_seq: indent_open . top_imp_seq indent_end 39 | indent_open . in_implicit_seq indent_end 56 implicit_map: indent_open . top_imp_map indent_end 57 | indent_open . in_implicit_map indent_end YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 53 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 54 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 55 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 56 '-' shift, and go to state 57 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 '?' shift, and go to state 58 ind_rep go to state 59 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 60 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 basic_seq go to state 61 top_imp_seq go to state 62 in_implicit_seq go to state 63 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 top_imp_map go to state 64 complex_key go to state 65 complex_mapping go to state 66 in_implicit_map go to state 67 inline_map go to state 22 state 17 4 atom: word_rep . $default reduce using rule 4 (atom) state 18 6 ind_rep: struct_rep . $default reduce using rule 6 (ind_rep) state 19 34 struct_rep: implicit_seq . $default reduce using rule 34 (struct_rep) state 20 35 struct_rep: inline_seq . $default reduce using rule 35 (struct_rep) state 21 36 struct_rep: implicit_map . $default reduce using rule 36 (struct_rep) state 22 37 struct_rep: inline_map . $default reduce using rule 37 (struct_rep) state 23 9 ind_rep: YAML_ANCHOR ind_rep . $default reduce using rule 9 (ind_rep) state 24 28 word_rep: YAML_ANCHOR word_rep . $default reduce using rule 28 (word_rep) state 25 7 ind_rep: YAML_TRANSFER ind_rep . $default reduce using rule 7 (ind_rep) state 26 25 word_rep: YAML_TRANSFER word_rep . $default reduce using rule 25 (word_rep) state 27 8 ind_rep: YAML_TAGURI ind_rep . $default reduce using rule 8 (ind_rep) state 28 26 word_rep: YAML_TAGURI word_rep . $default reduce using rule 26 (word_rep) state 29 28 word_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 24 state 30 25 word_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 26 state 31 26 word_rep: YAML_TAGURI . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 28 state 32 20 indent_open: indent_open . YAML_INDENT 32 word_rep: indent_open . word_rep indent_flex_end YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 56 indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 68 state 33 27 word_rep: YAML_ITRANSFER word_rep . $default reduce using rule 27 (word_rep) state 34 9 ind_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . ind_rep 18 empty: YAML_ANCHOR . empty 28 word_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 34 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 35 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 36 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) ind_rep go to state 23 empty go to state 69 indent_open go to state 41 word_rep go to state 24 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 35 7 ind_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . ind_rep 16 empty: YAML_TRANSFER . empty 25 word_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 34 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 35 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 36 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) ind_rep go to state 25 empty go to state 70 indent_open go to state 41 word_rep go to state 26 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 36 8 ind_rep: YAML_TAGURI . ind_rep 17 empty: YAML_TAGURI . empty 26 word_rep: YAML_TAGURI . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 34 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 35 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 36 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) ind_rep go to state 27 empty go to state 71 indent_open go to state 41 word_rep go to state 28 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 37 15 empty: YAML_ITRANSFER . empty 27 word_rep: YAML_ITRANSFER . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 72 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 73 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 74 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) empty go to state 75 indent_open go to state 76 word_rep go to state 33 state 38 11 atom_or_empty: atom . $default reduce using rule 11 (atom_or_empty) state 39 2 doc: YAML_DOCSEP atom_or_empty . $default reduce using rule 2 (doc) state 40 12 atom_or_empty: empty . $default reduce using rule 12 (atom_or_empty) state 41 10 ind_rep: indent_open . ind_rep indent_flex_end 13 empty: indent_open . empty indent_end 20 indent_open: indent_open . YAML_INDENT 32 word_rep: indent_open . word_rep indent_flex_end 38 implicit_seq: indent_open . top_imp_seq indent_end 39 | indent_open . in_implicit_seq indent_end 56 implicit_map: indent_open . top_imp_map indent_end 57 | indent_open . in_implicit_map indent_end YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 77 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 78 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 79 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 56 '-' shift, and go to state 57 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 '?' shift, and go to state 58 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) ind_rep go to state 59 empty go to state 80 indent_open go to state 41 word_rep go to state 60 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 basic_seq go to state 61 top_imp_seq go to state 62 in_implicit_seq go to state 63 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 top_imp_map go to state 64 complex_key go to state 65 complex_mapping go to state 66 in_implicit_map go to state 67 inline_map go to state 22 state 42 51 inline_seq: '[' ']' . $default reduce using rule 51 (inline_seq) state 43 54 inline_seq_atom: atom . 72 basic_mapping: atom . ':' atom_or_empty ':' shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 54 (inline_seq_atom) state 44 50 inline_seq: '[' in_inline_seq . ']' 53 in_inline_seq: in_inline_seq . ',' inline_seq_atom ']' shift, and go to state 82 ',' shift, and go to state 83 state 45 52 in_inline_seq: inline_seq_atom . $default reduce using rule 52 (in_inline_seq) state 46 55 inline_seq_atom: basic_mapping . $default reduce using rule 55 (inline_seq_atom) state 47 74 inline_map: '{' '}' . $default reduce using rule 74 (inline_map) state 48 72 basic_mapping: atom . ':' atom_or_empty 77 inline_map_atom: atom . ':' shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 77 (inline_map_atom) state 49 78 inline_map_atom: basic_mapping . $default reduce using rule 78 (inline_map_atom) state 50 73 inline_map: '{' in_inline_map . '}' 76 in_inline_map: in_inline_map . ',' inline_map_atom '}' shift, and go to state 84 ',' shift, and go to state 85 state 51 75 in_inline_map: inline_map_atom . $default reduce using rule 75 (in_inline_map) state 52 0 $accept: doc $end . $default accept state 53 9 ind_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . ind_rep 28 word_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . word_rep 45 top_imp_seq: YAML_ANCHOR . indent_sep in_implicit_seq 46 | YAML_ANCHOR . top_imp_seq 62 top_imp_map: YAML_ANCHOR . indent_sep in_implicit_map 63 | YAML_ANCHOR . top_imp_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 53 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 54 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 55 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 ind_rep go to state 23 indent_open go to state 16 indent_sep go to state 87 word_rep go to state 24 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 top_imp_seq go to state 88 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 top_imp_map go to state 89 inline_map go to state 22 state 54 7 ind_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . ind_rep 25 word_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . word_rep 41 top_imp_seq: YAML_TRANSFER . indent_sep in_implicit_seq 42 | YAML_TRANSFER . top_imp_seq 58 top_imp_map: YAML_TRANSFER . indent_sep in_implicit_map 59 | YAML_TRANSFER . top_imp_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 53 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 54 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 55 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 ind_rep go to state 25 indent_open go to state 16 indent_sep go to state 90 word_rep go to state 26 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 top_imp_seq go to state 91 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 top_imp_map go to state 92 inline_map go to state 22 state 55 8 ind_rep: YAML_TAGURI . ind_rep 26 word_rep: YAML_TAGURI . word_rep 43 top_imp_seq: YAML_TAGURI . indent_sep in_implicit_seq 44 | YAML_TAGURI . top_imp_seq 60 top_imp_map: YAML_TAGURI . indent_sep in_implicit_map 61 | YAML_TAGURI . top_imp_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 53 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 54 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 55 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 ind_rep go to state 27 indent_open go to state 16 indent_sep go to state 93 word_rep go to state 28 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 top_imp_seq go to state 94 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 top_imp_map go to state 95 inline_map go to state 22 state 56 20 indent_open: indent_open YAML_INDENT . $default reduce using rule 20 (indent_open) state 57 40 basic_seq: '-' . atom_or_empty YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 34 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 35 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 36 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) atom go to state 38 ind_rep go to state 15 atom_or_empty go to state 96 empty go to state 40 indent_open go to state 41 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 58 65 complex_key: '?' . atom indent_sep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 atom go to state 97 ind_rep go to state 15 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 59 10 ind_rep: indent_open ind_rep . indent_flex_end YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 98 indent_sep go to state 99 indent_flex_end go to state 100 state 60 32 word_rep: indent_open word_rep . indent_flex_end 64 complex_key: word_rep . YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 98 $default reduce using rule 64 (complex_key) indent_sep go to state 99 indent_flex_end go to state 101 state 61 47 in_implicit_seq: basic_seq . $default reduce using rule 47 (in_implicit_seq) state 62 38 implicit_seq: indent_open top_imp_seq . indent_end YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 102 indent_end go to state 103 state 63 39 implicit_seq: indent_open in_implicit_seq . indent_end 48 in_implicit_seq: in_implicit_seq . indent_sep basic_seq 49 | in_implicit_seq . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 102 indent_end go to state 104 indent_sep go to state 105 state 64 56 implicit_map: indent_open top_imp_map . indent_end YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 102 indent_end go to state 106 state 65 67 complex_mapping: complex_key . ':' complex_value ':' shift, and go to state 107 state 66 68 in_implicit_map: complex_mapping . $default reduce using rule 68 (in_implicit_map) state 67 57 implicit_map: indent_open in_implicit_map . indent_end 69 in_implicit_map: in_implicit_map . indent_sep basic_seq 70 | in_implicit_map . indent_sep complex_mapping 71 | in_implicit_map . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 102 indent_end go to state 108 indent_sep go to state 109 state 68 32 word_rep: indent_open word_rep . indent_flex_end YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 98 indent_sep go to state 99 indent_flex_end go to state 101 state 69 18 empty: YAML_ANCHOR empty . $default reduce using rule 18 (empty) state 70 16 empty: YAML_TRANSFER empty . $default reduce using rule 16 (empty) state 71 17 empty: YAML_TAGURI empty . $default reduce using rule 17 (empty) state 72 18 empty: YAML_ANCHOR . empty 28 word_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 72 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 73 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 74 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) empty go to state 69 indent_open go to state 76 word_rep go to state 24 state 73 16 empty: YAML_TRANSFER . empty 25 word_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 72 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 73 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 74 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) empty go to state 70 indent_open go to state 76 word_rep go to state 26 state 74 17 empty: YAML_TAGURI . empty 26 word_rep: YAML_TAGURI . word_rep YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 72 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 73 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 74 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) empty go to state 71 indent_open go to state 76 word_rep go to state 28 state 75 15 empty: YAML_ITRANSFER empty . $default reduce using rule 15 (empty) state 76 13 empty: indent_open . empty indent_end 20 indent_open: indent_open . YAML_INDENT 32 word_rep: indent_open . word_rep indent_flex_end YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 72 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 73 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 74 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 56 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) empty go to state 80 indent_open go to state 76 word_rep go to state 68 state 77 9 ind_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . ind_rep 18 empty: YAML_ANCHOR . empty 28 word_rep: YAML_ANCHOR . word_rep 45 top_imp_seq: YAML_ANCHOR . indent_sep in_implicit_seq 46 | YAML_ANCHOR . top_imp_seq 62 top_imp_map: YAML_ANCHOR . indent_sep in_implicit_map 63 | YAML_ANCHOR . top_imp_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 77 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 78 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 79 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) ind_rep go to state 23 empty go to state 69 indent_open go to state 41 indent_sep go to state 87 word_rep go to state 24 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 top_imp_seq go to state 88 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 top_imp_map go to state 89 inline_map go to state 22 state 78 7 ind_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . ind_rep 16 empty: YAML_TRANSFER . empty 25 word_rep: YAML_TRANSFER . word_rep 41 top_imp_seq: YAML_TRANSFER . indent_sep in_implicit_seq 42 | YAML_TRANSFER . top_imp_seq 58 top_imp_map: YAML_TRANSFER . indent_sep in_implicit_map 59 | YAML_TRANSFER . top_imp_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 77 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 78 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 79 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) ind_rep go to state 25 empty go to state 70 indent_open go to state 41 indent_sep go to state 90 word_rep go to state 26 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 top_imp_seq go to state 91 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 top_imp_map go to state 92 inline_map go to state 22 state 79 8 ind_rep: YAML_TAGURI . ind_rep 17 empty: YAML_TAGURI . empty 26 word_rep: YAML_TAGURI . word_rep 43 top_imp_seq: YAML_TAGURI . indent_sep in_implicit_seq 44 | YAML_TAGURI . top_imp_seq 60 top_imp_map: YAML_TAGURI . indent_sep in_implicit_map 61 | YAML_TAGURI . top_imp_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 77 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 78 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 79 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) ind_rep go to state 27 empty go to state 71 indent_open go to state 41 indent_sep go to state 93 word_rep go to state 28 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 top_imp_seq go to state 94 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 top_imp_map go to state 95 inline_map go to state 22 state 80 13 empty: indent_open empty . indent_end YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 102 indent_end go to state 110 state 81 72 basic_mapping: atom ':' . atom_or_empty YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 34 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 35 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 36 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) atom go to state 38 ind_rep go to state 15 atom_or_empty go to state 111 empty go to state 40 indent_open go to state 41 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 inline_map go to state 22 state 82 50 inline_seq: '[' in_inline_seq ']' . $default reduce using rule 50 (inline_seq) state 83 53 in_inline_seq: in_inline_seq ',' . inline_seq_atom YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 atom go to state 43 ind_rep go to state 15 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 inline_seq_atom go to state 112 implicit_map go to state 21 basic_mapping go to state 46 inline_map go to state 22 state 84 73 inline_map: '{' in_inline_map '}' . $default reduce using rule 73 (inline_map) state 85 76 in_inline_map: in_inline_map ',' . inline_map_atom YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 1 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 3 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 4 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 atom go to state 48 ind_rep go to state 15 indent_open go to state 16 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 basic_mapping go to state 49 inline_map go to state 22 inline_map_atom go to state 113 state 86 22 indent_sep: YAML_INDENT . $default reduce using rule 22 (indent_sep) state 87 45 top_imp_seq: YAML_ANCHOR indent_sep . in_implicit_seq 62 top_imp_map: YAML_ANCHOR indent_sep . in_implicit_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '-' shift, and go to state 57 '?' shift, and go to state 58 indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 114 basic_seq go to state 61 in_implicit_seq go to state 115 complex_key go to state 65 complex_mapping go to state 66 in_implicit_map go to state 116 state 88 46 top_imp_seq: YAML_ANCHOR top_imp_seq . $default reduce using rule 46 (top_imp_seq) state 89 63 top_imp_map: YAML_ANCHOR top_imp_map . $default reduce using rule 63 (top_imp_map) state 90 41 top_imp_seq: YAML_TRANSFER indent_sep . in_implicit_seq 58 top_imp_map: YAML_TRANSFER indent_sep . in_implicit_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '-' shift, and go to state 57 '?' shift, and go to state 58 indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 114 basic_seq go to state 61 in_implicit_seq go to state 117 complex_key go to state 65 complex_mapping go to state 66 in_implicit_map go to state 118 state 91 42 top_imp_seq: YAML_TRANSFER top_imp_seq . $default reduce using rule 42 (top_imp_seq) state 92 59 top_imp_map: YAML_TRANSFER top_imp_map . $default reduce using rule 59 (top_imp_map) state 93 43 top_imp_seq: YAML_TAGURI indent_sep . in_implicit_seq 60 top_imp_map: YAML_TAGURI indent_sep . in_implicit_map YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '-' shift, and go to state 57 '?' shift, and go to state 58 indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 114 basic_seq go to state 61 in_implicit_seq go to state 119 complex_key go to state 65 complex_mapping go to state 66 in_implicit_map go to state 120 state 94 44 top_imp_seq: YAML_TAGURI top_imp_seq . $default reduce using rule 44 (top_imp_seq) state 95 61 top_imp_map: YAML_TAGURI top_imp_map . $default reduce using rule 61 (top_imp_map) state 96 40 basic_seq: '-' atom_or_empty . $default reduce using rule 40 (basic_seq) state 97 65 complex_key: '?' atom . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 indent_sep go to state 121 state 98 23 indent_flex_end: YAML_IEND . $default reduce using rule 23 (indent_flex_end) state 99 24 indent_flex_end: indent_sep . indent_flex_end YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 YAML_IEND shift, and go to state 98 indent_sep go to state 99 indent_flex_end go to state 122 state 100 10 ind_rep: indent_open ind_rep indent_flex_end . $default reduce using rule 10 (ind_rep) state 101 32 word_rep: indent_open word_rep indent_flex_end . $default reduce using rule 32 (word_rep) state 102 21 indent_end: YAML_IEND . $default reduce using rule 21 (indent_end) state 103 38 implicit_seq: indent_open top_imp_seq indent_end . $default reduce using rule 38 (implicit_seq) state 104 39 implicit_seq: indent_open in_implicit_seq indent_end . $default reduce using rule 39 (implicit_seq) state 105 48 in_implicit_seq: in_implicit_seq indent_sep . basic_seq 49 | in_implicit_seq indent_sep . '-' shift, and go to state 57 $default reduce using rule 49 (in_implicit_seq) basic_seq go to state 123 state 106 56 implicit_map: indent_open top_imp_map indent_end . $default reduce using rule 56 (implicit_map) state 107 67 complex_mapping: complex_key ':' . complex_value YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 34 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 35 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 36 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 37 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_BLOCK shift, and go to state 8 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '[' shift, and go to state 11 '{' shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 14 (empty) atom go to state 38 ind_rep go to state 15 atom_or_empty go to state 124 empty go to state 40 indent_open go to state 41 word_rep go to state 17 struct_rep go to state 18 implicit_seq go to state 19 inline_seq go to state 20 implicit_map go to state 21 complex_value go to state 125 inline_map go to state 22 state 108 57 implicit_map: indent_open in_implicit_map indent_end . $default reduce using rule 57 (implicit_map) state 109 69 in_implicit_map: in_implicit_map indent_sep . basic_seq 70 | in_implicit_map indent_sep . complex_mapping 71 | in_implicit_map indent_sep . YAML_ANCHOR shift, and go to state 29 YAML_ALIAS shift, and go to state 2 YAML_TRANSFER shift, and go to state 30 YAML_TAGURI shift, and go to state 31 YAML_ITRANSFER shift, and go to state 5 YAML_WORD shift, and go to state 6 YAML_PLAIN shift, and go to state 7 YAML_IOPEN shift, and go to state 10 '-' shift, and go to state 57 '?' shift, and go to state 58 $default reduce using rule 71 (in_implicit_map) indent_open go to state 32 word_rep go to state 114 basic_seq go to state 126 complex_key go to state 65 complex_mapping go to state 127 state 110 13 empty: indent_open empty indent_end . $default reduce using rule 13 (empty) state 111 72 basic_mapping: atom ':' atom_or_empty . $default reduce using rule 72 (basic_mapping) state 112 53 in_inline_seq: in_inline_seq ',' inline_seq_atom . $default reduce using rule 53 (in_inline_seq) state 113 76 in_inline_map: in_inline_map ',' inline_map_atom . $default reduce using rule 76 (in_inline_map) state 114 64 complex_key: word_rep . $default reduce using rule 64 (complex_key) state 115 45 top_imp_seq: YAML_ANCHOR indent_sep in_implicit_seq . 48 in_implicit_seq: in_implicit_seq . indent_sep basic_seq 49 | in_implicit_seq . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 $default reduce using rule 45 (top_imp_seq) indent_sep go to state 105 state 116 62 top_imp_map: YAML_ANCHOR indent_sep in_implicit_map . 69 in_implicit_map: in_implicit_map . indent_sep basic_seq 70 | in_implicit_map . indent_sep complex_mapping 71 | in_implicit_map . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 $default reduce using rule 62 (top_imp_map) indent_sep go to state 109 state 117 41 top_imp_seq: YAML_TRANSFER indent_sep in_implicit_seq . 48 in_implicit_seq: in_implicit_seq . indent_sep basic_seq 49 | in_implicit_seq . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 $default reduce using rule 41 (top_imp_seq) indent_sep go to state 105 state 118 58 top_imp_map: YAML_TRANSFER indent_sep in_implicit_map . 69 in_implicit_map: in_implicit_map . indent_sep basic_seq 70 | in_implicit_map . indent_sep complex_mapping 71 | in_implicit_map . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 $default reduce using rule 58 (top_imp_map) indent_sep go to state 109 state 119 43 top_imp_seq: YAML_TAGURI indent_sep in_implicit_seq . 48 in_implicit_seq: in_implicit_seq . indent_sep basic_seq 49 | in_implicit_seq . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 $default reduce using rule 43 (top_imp_seq) indent_sep go to state 105 state 120 60 top_imp_map: YAML_TAGURI indent_sep in_implicit_map . 69 in_implicit_map: in_implicit_map . indent_sep basic_seq 70 | in_implicit_map . indent_sep complex_mapping 71 | in_implicit_map . indent_sep YAML_INDENT shift, and go to state 86 $default reduce using rule 60 (top_imp_map) indent_sep go to state 109 state 121 65 complex_key: '?' atom indent_sep . $default reduce using rule 65 (complex_key) state 122 24 indent_flex_end: indent_sep indent_flex_end . $default reduce using rule 24 (indent_flex_end) state 123 48 in_implicit_seq: in_implicit_seq indent_sep basic_seq . $default reduce using rule 48 (in_implicit_seq) state 124 66 complex_value: atom_or_empty . $default reduce using rule 66 (complex_value) state 125 67 complex_mapping: complex_key ':' complex_value . $default reduce using rule 67 (complex_mapping) state 126 69 in_implicit_map: in_implicit_map indent_sep basic_seq . $default reduce using rule 69 (in_implicit_map) state 127 70 in_implicit_map: in_implicit_map indent_sep complex_mapping . $default reduce using rule 70 (in_implicit_map)