--- %YAML:1.0 test: Empty Sequence brief: > You can represent the empty sequence with an empty inline sequence. yaml: | empty: [] python: | [ { 'empty': [] } ] ruby: | { 'empty' => [] } syck: | struct test_node seq[] = { end_node }; struct test_node map[] = { { T_STR, 0, "empty" }, { T_SEQ, 0, 0, seq }, end_node }; struct test_node stream[] = { { T_MAP, 0, 0, map }, end_node }; --- test: Empty Mapping brief: > You can represent the empty mapping with an empty inline mapping. yaml: | empty: {} python: | [ { 'empty': {} } ] ruby: | { 'empty' => {} } syck: | struct test_node map2[] = { end_node }; struct test_node map1[] = { { T_STR, 0, "empty" }, { T_MAP, 0, 0, map2 }, end_node }; struct test_node stream[] = { { T_MAP, 0, 0, map1 }, end_node }; --- test: Empty Sequence as Entire Document yaml: | --- [] python: | [ [] ] ruby: | [] syck: | struct test_node seq[] = { end_node }; struct test_node stream[] = { { T_SEQ, 0, 0, seq }, end_node }; --- test: Empty Mapping as Entire Document yaml: | --- {} python: | [ {} ] ruby: | {} syck: | struct test_node map[] = { end_node }; struct test_node stream[] = { { T_MAP, 0, 0, map }, end_node }; --- test: Null as Document yaml: | --- ~ python: | [ None ] ruby: | nil syck: | struct test_node stream[] = { { T_STR, 0, "~" }, end_node }; --- test: Empty String brief: > You can represent an empty string with a pair of quotes. yaml: | --- '' python: | [ '' ] ruby: | '' syck: | struct test_node stream[] = { { T_STR, 0, "" }, end_node };