# WINDOWS BUILD SETTINGS. # For MSVC 11 you need to specify where the Win32.mak file is, e.g.: # SDK_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Include # for build win64 version: # nmake -f make_msvc.mak CPU=AMD64 WINVER = 0x0500 APPVER = 5.0 TARGET = WINNT _WIN32_IE = 0x0500 # CPU = AMD64 # Win32.mak requires that CPU be set appropriately. # To cross-compile for Win64, set CPU=AMD64 or CPU=IA64. !ifndef CPU CPU = $(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) ! if ("$(CPU)" == "x86") || ("$(CPU)" == "X86") CPU = i386 ! endif !endif # Get all sorts of useful, standard macros from the Platform SDK. !ifdef SDK_INCLUDE_DIR !include $(SDK_INCLUDE_DIR)\Win32.mak !else !include !endif # CONTROL BUILD MODE !IFDEF DEBUG CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -D_DEBUG !ELSE CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -D_NDEBUG !ENDIF # VIMPROC SPECIFICS !if "$(CPU)" == "AMD64" VIMPROC=vimproc_win64 !else VIMPROC=vimproc_win32 !endif SRCDIR = autoload OUTDIR = $(SRCDIR)\obj$(CPU) OBJS = $(OUTDIR)/proc_w32.obj DEFINES = -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS=1 -D_BIND_TO_CURRENT_VCLIBS_VERSION=1 CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) /wd4100 /wd4127 /O2 # RULES build: $(SRCDIR)\$(VIMPROC).dll clean: -IF EXIST $(OUTDIR)/nul RMDIR /s /q $(OUTDIR) -DEL /F /Q $(SRCDIR)\vimproc_win32.* -DEL /F /Q $(SRCDIR)\vimproc_win64.* -DEL /F /Q $(SRCDIR)\*.obj -DEL /F /Q $(SRCDIR)\*.pdb $(SRCDIR)\$(VIMPROC).dll: $(OBJS) $(link) /NOLOGO $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LFLAGS) \ /OUT:$@ $(OBJS) shell32.lib IF EXIST $@.manifest \ mt -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2 {$(SRCDIR)}.c{$(OUTDIR)}.obj:: $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) $(CFLAGS) -Fd$(SRCDIR)\ \ -Fo$(OUTDIR)\ $< $(OUTDIR): IF NOT EXIST $(OUTDIR)/nul MKDIR $(OUTDIR) $(OUTDIR)/proc_w32.obj: $(OUTDIR) $(SRCDIR)/proc_w32.c $(SRCDIR)/vimstack.c .PHONY: build clean