var codendi = codendi || { }; codendi.locales = codendi.locales || { }; codendi.locale = 'en'; codendi.locales['cross_ref_fact_include'] = { legend: 'List of items referenced by or referencing this item.', legend_referenced_by: 'List of items referencing this item.', show_references_to: 'Show items referenced by this item', hide_references_to: 'Hide items referenced by this item' }; codendi.locales['files'] = { error_max_file_size: 'You exceed the max file size' }; codendi.locales['svn_accessfile_history'] = { empty: 'This version is empty' }; codendi.locales['search'] = { error: 'An error has occured' }; codendi.locales['account'] = { theme_variant_preview : 'This is a preview. You have to save your preferences to apply this modification.' }; codendi.locales['register'] = { did_you_mean: 'Did you mean #{full}?' };