codendi.locales['tracker'] = { create_anyway: 'Got it, create it anyway!' }; codendi.locales['tracker_formelement_admin'] = { cancel: 'cancel', add_another_file: 'Add another file', unique_field: 'This field type cannot be added twice on a same tracker', lose_follows: 'There are changes that have not been saved. Do you want to continue?' }; codendi.locales['tracker_artifact'] = { masschange: 'Masschange', masschange_check_all: 'Check all', masschange_uncheck_all: 'Uncheck all', display_settings: 'Display settings', display_changes: 'Changes are displayed', reverse_order: 'Comments are in reversed order', always_expand_fieldset: 'This fieldset is always collapsed. Click to always expand it.', always_collapse_fieldset: 'This fieldset is always expanded. Click to always collapse it.', edit_followup_ok: 'Submit', edit_followup_cancel: 'Cancel', disable_notifications: 'Disable notifications', enable_notifications: 'Enable notifications', disable_notifications_alternate_text: 'Stop receiving notifications for this artifact', enable_notifications_alternate_text: 'Receive notifications for this artifact', notification_update_error: 'An error occured while saving your notification settings' }; codendi.locales['tracker_renderer'] = { order_dragdrop: 'You can order tabs with drag \'n drop' }; codendi.locales['tracker_artifact_link'] = { nb_artifacts: 'artifact(s)', or: ' or ', select: 'Select artifacts to link', create: 'Create a new artifact', advanced: 'Advanced functionalities (browse artifacts...) are not available at artifact creation.', trackers_label: 'Trackers', nature_label: 'By type' }; codendi.locales['tracker_template'] = { no_template: 'No template found' //same as plugin_tracker_include_type - tmpl_src_no_trk }; codendi.locales['tracker_hierarchy'] = { no_child_artifacts: 'This artifact has no children yet', title_column_name: 'Title', status_column_name: 'Status' }; codendi.locales['tracker_trigger'] = { at_least_one: { name: 'at least one child', operator: 'or', have_field: 'has its field' }, all_of: { name: 'all children', operator: 'and', have_field: 'have their field' }, of_type: 'of type', set_to: 'set to', will_be_set_to: 'will be set to', and: 'and', or: 'or', save_missing_data: 'Cannot save: missing data in form' }; codendi.locales['tracker_modal_errors'] = { bad_request: 'You are not able to perform this action' }; codendi.locales['tracker_report'] = { delete_report: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this report ?' }; codendi.locales['tracker_email'] = { title: 'Submit artifact by mail', description: 'You can send an email to the following email address in order to create an artifact:', title_reply: 'Reply artifact by mail', description_reply: 'You can send an email to the following email address in order to reply to this artifact:', copy: 'Copy to clipboard', copied: 'The email has been copied to clipboard' }; codendi.locales['nature_column_editor'] = { title : 'Column configuration', how_to : 'You can define how artifacts will be displayed in this column by using the following format: %field_name', supported_types : 'Only fields of type string, artifact id, integer, float, or select box can be formatted.', something_went_wrong : 'An error has occured. Please contact an administrator.', column_format_label : 'Format:', column_format_placeholder: '#%id %title (%status)', cancel : 'Cancel', save : 'Save' };