today ="%Y-%m-%d") When /^I go to the (.*) tracker of (.*)$/ do |tracker, project| find(:xpath, "//a[text()='#{project}']").click find(:xpath, "//a[contains(@href, '/plugins/tracker/?tracker=') and text() = '#{tracker}']").click end When /^I submit a new artifact$/ do find(:xpath, '//a[contains(@href, "func=new-artifact")]').click within(:xpath, "//fieldset/legend[@title='fieldset_default_desc_key']") do find(:xpath, "../div/input[@type='text']").set("a bug title") end find("input[name='submit_and_stay']").click page.should have_css("div#feedback") #click_button('submit_and_continue') end When /^I set the 'Status' to "([^"]*)"$/ do |status| within(:xpath, "//label[text()='Status']/..") do find(:xpath, "./select/option[text()='#{status}']").select_option end find("input[name='submit_and_stay']").click end Given /^a closed bug$/ do steps %Q{ Given I submit a new artifact Given I set the 'Status' to "Closed" } end Then /^a message says that (.*) has been cleared$/ do |field| within("div#feedback") do find(:xpath, ".").should have_content("'#{field}' has been automatically cleared") end end Then /^a message says that '(.*)' has been set to the current date$/ do |ignored| within("div#feedback") do find(:xpath, ".").should have_content(today) end end def tracker_element_with(label) "//label[@class='tracker_formelement_label' and text() = '#{label}']/.." end Then /^the artifact has '(.*)' cleared$/ do |label| find(:xpath, tracker_element_with(label)).should have_xpath("./*/input[@value = '']") end Then /^the artifact has '(.*)' set to the current date$/ do |ignored| find(:xpath, tracker_element_with(ignored)).should have_xpath("./*/input[@value='#{today}']") end When /^I provide a 'Closed Date' different from today$/ do not_today = ( + 1).remainder(28) find(:xpath, tracker_element_with('Closed Date') + "//a[@class='date-picker-control']").click find(:xpath, "//div[@class='datePicker'][2]//td[contains(@class, 'dm-#{not_today}')]").click end