plugin_svn descriptor_description SVN repository manager. Supports multiple repositories for the same project. plugin_svn descriptor_name SVN with multiple repositories plugin_svn service_lbl_key SVN plugin_svn service_desc_key SVN plugin to manage multiple SVN repositories plugin_svn_manage_repository repository_name_required The repository must have a name plugin_svn_manage_repository invalid_name The repository name is invalid plugin_svn_manage_repository update_success Successfully Updated plugin_svn_manage_repository label_name Repository name plugin_svn_manage_repository create_repository Create repository plugin_svn_manage_repository no_repositories No repository found plugin_svn_manage_repository title_list_repositories Project SVN repositories plugin_svn_manage_repository name_repository_length Must start by a letter, have a length of 3 characters minimum, only - _ . specials characters are allowed. plugin_svn_manage_repository table_head_list_repository Repository plugin_svn_manage_repository plugin_not_activated SVN multi-repositories is disabled for the project. plugin_svn_admin_notification title Notifications plugin_svn_admin_notification notification_subtitle Email notifications on commits plugin_svn_admin_notification comment Each commit event can also be notified via email to specific recipients or mailing lists. A specific subject header for the email message can also be specified. Please note that you can use the star operator: /folder/to/notify and /folder/*/notify will be notified the same way. plugin_svn_admin_notification label_subject_header Subject header plugin_svn_admin_notification disabled disabled plugin_svn_admin_notification save_subject Save the subject plugin_svn_admin_notification label_path Path plugin_svn_admin_notification label_mail_to Mail to specific recipients or mailing lists (comma separated) plugin_svn_admin_notification upd_header_success Header updated successfully plugin_svn_admin_notification upd_header_fail Header update failed. plugin_svn_admin_notification upd_email_success Email Notification updated successfully plugin_svn_admin_notification upd_email_fail "Mail to" contains an invalid email address. plugin_svn_admin_notification upd_email_error Unable to save Notification plugin_svn_admin_notification upd_email_bad_adr Invalid email addresses "$1" plugin_svn_admin_notification update_path_error The given path is not valid plugin_svn_admin_notification available_notifications Active notifications list plugin_svn_admin_notification monitored_path Monitored path plugin_svn_admin_notification notified_mails Notification list plugin_svn_admin_notification delete Delete? plugin_svn_admin_notification no_notifications_message There is no notification plugin_svn_admin_notification delete_error Unable to delete notification list plugin_svn_admin_notification add_notification Add notification plugin_svn_admin_notification delete_selected_notifications Delete selected notifications plugin_svn_admin update_successful Update successful plugin_svn_admin update_failure_with_message Update failed: $1 plugin_svn_admin failed_update_ugroup_permissions Failed to update UGroup permissions plugin_svn_admin access_control Access control plugin_svn_admin edit_access_file_title Edit access control file plugin_svn_admin default_text The default policy is to allow read-write access to all project members on the entire repository and read-only access to all other $1 users. You can tune or even redefine the access permissions below to suit your needs. plugin_svn_admin permissions_warning It is recommended to always define permissions on a user group. Applying permissions to a manually defined group or to a specific user could cause security issues. plugin_svn_admin button_new_version_label Save a new version plugin_svn_admin update_success New file revision successfully created plugin_svn_admin update_fail Error during new revision file creation plugin_svn_admin file_error Unable to read file $1 plugin_svn_admin write_error Unable to write into file $1 plugin_svn_admin previous_version You are using a previous version (#$1): plugin_svn_admin last_version You are using the last version (#$1): plugin_svn_admin select_version Select a version plugin_svn_admin saved_on saved on plugin_svn_admin use_version Use this selected version plugin_svn_admin saved_versions Saved versions: plugin_svn_admin save Save plugin_svn_admin title SVN Administration plugin_svn_admin admin_groups Admin Groups plugin_svn_admin admin_groups_description Select the groups which are allowed to access the SVN administration in addition to the project administrators. plugin_svn_admin admin_groups_label Groups: plugin_svn notifications Notifications plugin_svn access_control Access control plugin_svn immutable_tag Immutable tags plugin_svn update_access_history_file_error Unable to update Access Control File. plugin_svn update_error Unable to update Repository data plugin_svn char_err The repository name must have at least one character plugin_svn illegal_char The repository name contains illeguall characters plugin_svn repository_spaces There cannot be any spaces in the repository name plugin_svn repository_not_found Repository not found. plugin_svn already_used Repository name is already used in this project. plugin_svn find_error Repository not found plugin_svn repository_not_created The repository is in queue for creation. Please check back here in a few minutes plugin_svn create_immutable_tag_error Unable to save immutable tags. plugin_svn hooks_config Commit rules plugin_svn_admin_hooks title Commit rules plugin_svn_admin_hooks subtitle Rules on commit plugin_svn_admin_hooks comment When committing, it is possible to enforce some rules. Check the rules you want to apply: plugin_svn_admin_hooks label_pre_commit_must_contain_reference Force every commit to include a reference. plugin_svn_admin_hooks label_allow_commit_message_changes Allow commit message changes (svn propset --revprop -r X svn:log) plugin_svn_admin_hooks submit Save the rules plugin_svn repository_delete Delete plugin_svn_admin_repository_delete cannot_delete You can't delete. plugin_svn_admin_repository_delete comment You are about to permanently delete the repository: plugin_svn_admin_repository_delete comment_undone This action cannot be undone. plugin_svn_admin_repository_delete subtitle Delete this repository plugin_svn_admin_repository_delete button_delete Delete this repository plugin_svn_admin_modal_repository_delete title Wait a minute... plugin_svn_admin_modal_repository_delete button_delete Delete the repository plugin_svn_admin_modal_repository_delete content This deletion can't be undone. Please confirm the repository deletion. plugin_svn actions_repo_not_found The repository does not exist plugin_svn actions_delete_process Repository '$1' will be removed in a few seconds plugin_svn actions_delete_backup A repository backup of '$1' will be available in the backup directory $2 plugin_svn feedback_event_delete There is an event in queue for repository '$1' deletion, it will be processed in one minute or two. Please be patient! plugin_svn delete_repository_exception An error occured when deleting repository. plugin_svn archived_repositories Deleted svn repositories plugin_svn restore_confirmation Confirm restore of the svn repository plugin_svn restore_no_repo_found No restorable svn repositories found. plugin_svn anonymous_browse_access_denied You can not browse the repository without being logged. plugin_svn logsdaily_field Repository name plugin_svn logsdaily_title Subversion commits multi repositories plugin_svn log_read_label Read plugin_svn log_write_label Write plugin_svn log_browse_label Browse plugin_svn_statistics month Month plugin_svn_statistics total_number_browse Total number of SVN browse operations plugin_svn_statistics total_number_read Total number of SVN read operations plugin_svn_statistics total_number_write Total number of SVN write operations plugin_svn_statistics total_number_project_read Total number of projects with SVN read operations plugin_svn_statistics total_number_user_read Total number of users with SVN read operations plugin_svn_statistics total_number_project_write Total number of projects with SVN write operations plugin_svn_statistics total_number_user_write Total number of users with SVN write operations plugin_svn_statistics top_user Top user plugin_svn_statistics top_user_operation Top user (number of write operations) plugin_svn_statistics top_project Top project plugin_svn_statistics top_project_operation Top project (number of write operations) plugin_svn_statistics service_usage_activities SVN with multiple repositories activities plugin_svn url_can_not_be_processed The requested action can not be understood, you have been redirected to the homepage