plugin_phpwiki descriptor_name Plugin PHPWiki plugin_phpwiki descriptor_description PHPWiki integration in Tuleap plugin_phpwiki service_lbl_key PHPWiki plugin_phpwiki service_desc_key PHPWiki plugin_phpwiki reference_phpwiki_desc_key Wiki page plugin_phpwiki reference_phpwikiversion_desc_key Wiki version # Migration plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_back_link_title Back to site admin plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_title Migration to the PHPWiki plugin plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_information Please note that the migration to the PHPWiki plugin is a one-way process there is no way to revert this process.
This progressive migration was meant to mitigate the risks of errors during upgrade process.
Please ask the upgraded projects if they noticed any troubles and to report related issues. plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_list List of projects already using the plugin plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_list_allow_placeholder Project name plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_list_allow_project Migrate plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_list_filter_placeholder Filter on project ID or name plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_list_id ID plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_list_name Name plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_list_empty Currently, there are no projects that uses the PHPWiki plugin. plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_allow_project Submitted project will be converted to the PHPWiki plugin (check System Events). plugin_phpwiki allowed_project_update_project_list_error Something went wrong during the migration. #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/views/WikiServiceViews.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews wiki_title Wiki for $1 plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews wiki_page_title $1 on $2 plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews wiki_subtit_docu

$1Wiki Documents

plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews wiki_subtit_pages

$1Wiki Pages

plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews wiki_subtit_empty

$1Empty Wiki Pages

plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews wiki_subtit_create

$1Create a new Wiki Page

plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews wikientries
  • $1

    Description: $2

  • plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews pagename Page Name: plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews menuadmin Admin plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews menupages Pages plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews menudocuments Documents plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews menuattch Attach a file plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews attatch_page UpLoad plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews menuprefs Preferences plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews preferences_page UserPreferences plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews lock_title_spec There are specific permissions on this Wiki Page plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews lock_title_set There are permissions set on this Wiki plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews lock_alt Lock plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews lighter_display lighter display - click on phpWiki logo to return to normal display plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews install_intro

    Wiki Creation

    This project has not initialized its Wiki yet.

    In order to create the wiki, select the language for the wiki, and press the "$1" button.


    plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews wiki_language Wiki Language: # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/views/WikiViews.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews title_error Exiting with Error plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews not_activate

    Wiki Service not activated

    The Wiki Service of $1 project require an activation by a Project admin or a Wiki admin.

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews set_perm_title

    Set Wiki Page permissions

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews empty_page

    Page doesn't exist

    You can set permissions only on existing pages. You have to create the page in Wiki engine before setting permissions.

    To create a page, you simply have to edit it.

    Note: A page that contain only "Describe PageName? here" is empty from Wiki engine point of view.

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wikiserviceviews not_empty_page

    You can set specific permissions on $1 Wiki Page. These permissions only apply to this page.

    By default, Wiki pages have no specific permissions: access to all Wiki Pages is granted to any registered user.

    Remember: Access to a page imply that every members of each following selected groups can read and write the corresponding page.

    Select user groups who are granted access to this Wiki:

    # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/lib/WikiAttachment.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment err_alpha ERROR uploading $1: File names may only contain alphanumeric characters and dot, underscore or dash. plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment err_insert Can not insert new attachment revision. plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment err_create_upload_dir Unable to create project upload area plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment err_create_file_dir Unable to create file revision area plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment err_multi_id There are multiple identifier for an attachment.Please contact an administrator # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/lib/WikiAttachmentRevision.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment_rev err_multi_id There are multiple identifier for an attachment. Please contact a $4 administrator. plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment_rev err_upl_mv Upload of '$1' failed. plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment_rev err_create An error occurred on attachment revision creation. Database entry not created. plugin_phpwiki_lib_attachment_rev err_too_big Sorry but this file is too big. # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/lib/WikiEntry.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikientry insert_err Can not insert new wiki entry: $1 plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikientry delete_err Can not delete wiki entry: $1 plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikientry update_err Can not update wiki entry: $1 plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikientry no_update Wiki entry "$1" not updated # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/lib/WikiPage.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikipage notunique_err Wiki page is not unique. Please contact an administrator. # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/lib/WikiPageWrapper.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikipagewrap new_page_text $1 store pages created with main interface: plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikipagewrap page_added Added $1 plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikipagewrap right_error This operation require admin rights plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikipagewrap dfltentryname Wiki Home plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikipagewrap dfltentrydesc Initial Wiki Document plugin_phpwiki_lib_wikipagewrap dfltentrypage HomePage # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/actions/WikiServiceAdminActions.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_actions_wikiserviceadmin page_name_empty_err You try to create a Wiki Document but you didn't select any page. You have to create a Wiki Page before creating a Wiki Document. plugin_phpwiki_actions_wikiserviceadmin update_perm_err Could not update permissions:


    plugin_phpwiki_actions_wikiserviceadmin update_page_perm_err Could not update permissions on this Wiki Page:


    plugin_phpwiki_actions_wikiserviceadmin update_attachment_perm_err Could not update permissions on this Wiki Attachment:


    plugin_phpwiki_actions_wikiserviceadmin delete_attachment_success Wiki attachment(s) Deleted plugin_phpwiki_actions_wikiserviceadmin delete_attachment_failure An error occured while deleting attachement(s) # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/WikiService.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_wikiservice acces_denied_whole You are not authorized to access this Wiki. Please contact a Project Administrator. plugin_phpwiki_wikiservice acces_denied_page You are not authorized to access this Wiki Page. Please contact a Project Administrator. # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/common/wiki/views/WikiServiceAdminViews.class.php # plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews title Wiki Administration for $1 plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews entry_em Displayed in wiki service default page (e.g. Development documentations) plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews entry_name Entry name: plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wikipage WikiPage: plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews givename Or give a page name: plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wikipage_em Select a Project Wiki Page or enter another WikiPage name (if the page doesn't exist, it will be created). plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews description Description: plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews description_em Description of the Wiki document plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews rank_screen Rank on screen: plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews rank_screen_em Documents are displayed with this reference plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wikidocs_title

    Wiki '$1' - Manage Wiki Documents

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wikidocs_create

    $1Create a new Wiki Document

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wikidocs_docs

    $1Wiki Documents

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews back_admin Back to admin panel plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews createwikidoc

    You can add a new link to a Wiki Page with the following form. It will add a new entry in the list of Wiki Documents displayed in Wiki service page (View link in the tool bar).

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews act_create Create plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews act_update Update plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews browsedoc

    List of all Wiki Documents displayed on the wiki service page. You can:

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews define_perms Define Permissions plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews edit_perms Edit Permissions plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews deletedoc delete $1 document plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews updatedoc

    Wiki '$1' - Update Wiki Document

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_title

    Wiki '$1' - Manage Wiki Pages

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_project

    $1Project pages

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_pj_all

    The table bellow lists all pages you wrote.

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_empty

    $1Empty pages

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_emp_all

    The table bellow lists all pages you created but still empty.

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_admin

    $1Admin pages

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_adm_all

    The table bellow lists all administration pages. You can use these pages for management purpose. Please use it carefully. In case of doubt, backup your wiki before deleting/renaming/replacing a page.

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_intern

    $1Internal pages

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wkpage_int_all

    Following pages are for wiki engine internal reserved use. Please use it carefully. You should not use or modify these pages if don't know well PhpWiki. In case of doubt, do not touch these pages.

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wikiperm

    Wiki '$1' - Wiki Permissions

    You can set specific permissions on $2. These permissions apply to whole wiki service.

    By default, Wiki have no specific permissions: access (both read and write) to all Wiki Pages is granted to any registered user.

    Select user groups who are granted access to this Wiki:

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_name Name plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_revisions Revisions plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_permissions Permissions plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_title

    Wiki '$1' - Wiki Attachments

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews perm_attachment_title

    Wiki '$1' - Wiki Attachment Permissions

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews wiki_attachment_perm

    You can set specific permissions on $1. These permissions apply to all revisions of this attachment.

    By default, WikiAttachment have no specific permissions: access is granted to any registered user.

    Any granted user can:

    Select user groups who are granted access to this WikiAttachment:

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews browse_attachment_title

    Wiki '$1' - Wiki Attachments $2

    plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_revision Revision plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_date Date plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_author Author plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_size Size plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews attachment_delete Delete plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews doc_name Name plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews doc_page Page plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews doc_rank Rank On Screen plugin_phpwiki_views_wkserviews doc_delete Delete ? # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: SF/www/wiki/uploads # plugin_phpwiki_attachment_upload err_not_exist This attachment doesn't exist. Please Check the url. plugin_phpwiki_service search_wiki_type Wiki pages # Exceptions plugin_phpwiki_exception page_name_invalid_char Characters <>[]{}|" are forbidden in the page name. plugin_phpwiki_exception page_name_too_long The page name is too long. # Widget plugin_phpwiki_widget page page plugin_phpwiki_widget pages pages