#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: db-upgrade.pl,v 2005/09/22 17:32:56 rhertzog Exp $ # # Debian-specific script to upgrade the database between releases # Roland Mas use strict ; use diagnostics ; use DBI ; use MIME::Base64 ; use HTML::Entities ; use vars qw/$dbh @reqlist $query/ ; use vars qw/$sys_default_domain $sys_cvs_host $sys_shell_host $sys_users_host $sys_docs_host $sys_lists_host $sys_dns1_host $sys_dns2_host $FTPINCOMING_DIR $FTPFILES_DIR $sys_urlroot $sf_cache_dir $sys_name $sys_themeroot $sys_news_group $sys_dbhost $sys_dbname $sys_dbuser $sys_dbpasswd $sys_ldap_base_dn $sys_ldap_host $admin_login $admin_password $domain_name $skill_list/ ; use vars qw/$pluginname/ ; sub is_lesser ( $$ ) ; sub is_greater ( $$ ) ; sub debug ( $ ) ; sub parse_sql_file ( $ ) ; require ("/usr/share/gforge/lib/include.pl") ; # Include a few predefined functions require ("/usr/share/gforge/lib/sqlparser.pm") ; # Our magic SQL parser debug "You'll see some debugging info during this installation." ; debug "Do not worry unless told otherwise." ; &db_connect ; # debug "Connected to the database OK." ; $pluginname = "mediawiki" ; $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; eval { my ($sth, @array, $version, $path, $target) ; &create_metadata_table ("0") ; $version = &get_db_version ; $target = "0.1" ; if (is_lesser $version, $target) { my @filelist = ( "/usr/share/gforge/plugins/$pluginname/lib/$pluginname-init.sql" ) ; foreach my $file (@filelist) { debug "Processing $file" ; @reqlist = @{ &parse_sql_file ($file) } ; foreach my $s (@reqlist) { $query = $s ; # debug $query ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; $sth->finish () ; } } @reqlist = () ; &update_db_version ($target) ; debug "Committing." ; $dbh->commit () ; } debug "It seems your database install/upgrade went well and smoothly. That's cool." ; debug "Please enjoy using Debian GForge." ; # There should be a commit at the end of every block above. # If there is not, then it might be symptomatic of a problem. # For safety, we roll back. $dbh->rollback (); }; if ($@) { warn "Transaction aborted because $@" ; debug "Transaction aborted because $@" ; debug "Last SQL query was:\n$query\n(end of query)" ; $dbh->rollback ; debug "Please report this bug on the Debian bug-tracking system." ; debug "Please include the previous messages as well to help debugging." ; debug "You should not worry too much about this," ; debug "your DB is still in a consistent state and should be usable." ; exit 1 ; } $dbh->rollback ; $dbh->disconnect ; sub is_lesser ( $$ ) { my $v1 = shift || 0 ; my $v2 = shift || 0 ; my $rc = system "dpkg --compare-versions $v1 lt $v2" ; return (! $rc) ; } sub is_greater ( $$ ) { my $v1 = shift || 0 ; my $v2 = shift || 0 ; my $rc = system "dpkg --compare-versions $v1 gt $v2" ; return (! $rc) ; } sub debug ( $ ) { my $v = shift ; chomp $v ; print STDERR "$v\n" ; } sub create_metadata_table ( $ ) { my $v = shift || "0" ; my $tablename = "plugin_" .$pluginname . "_meta_data" ; # Do we have the metadata table? $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '$tablename' and relkind = 'r'"; # debug $query ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; my @array = $sth->fetchrow_array () ; $sth->finish () ; # Let's create this table if we have it not if ($array [0] == 0) { debug "Creating $tablename table." ; $query = "CREATE TABLE $tablename (key varchar primary key, value text not null)" ; # debug $query ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; $sth->finish () ; } $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM $tablename WHERE key = 'db-version'"; # debug $query ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; @array = $sth->fetchrow_array () ; $sth->finish () ; # Empty table? We'll have to fill it up a bit if ($array [0] == 0) { debug "Inserting first data into $tablename table." ; $query = "INSERT INTO $tablename (key, value) VALUES ('db-version', '$v')" ; # debug $query ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; $sth->finish () ; } } sub update_db_version ( $ ) { my $v = shift or die "Not enough arguments" ; my $tablename = "plugin_" .$pluginname . "_meta_data" ; debug "Updating $tablename table." ; $query = "UPDATE $tablename SET value = '$v' WHERE key = 'db-version'" ; # debug $query ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; $sth->finish () ; } sub get_db_version () { my $tablename = "plugin_" .$pluginname . "_meta_data" ; $query = "SELECT value FROM $tablename WHERE key = 'db-version'" ; # debug $query ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; my @array = $sth->fetchrow_array () ; $sth->finish () ; my $version = $array [0] ; return $version ; } sub drop_table_if_exists ( $ ) { my $tname = shift or die "Not enough arguments" ; $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='$tname' AND relkind='r'" ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; my @array = $sth->fetchrow_array () ; $sth->finish () ; if ($array [0] != 0) { # debug "Dropping table $tname" ; $query = "DROP TABLE $tname" ; # debug $query ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; $sth->finish () ; } } sub drop_sequence_if_exists ( $ ) { my $sname = shift or die "Not enough arguments" ; $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='$sname' AND relkind='S'" ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; my @array = $sth->fetchrow_array () ; $sth->finish () ; if ($array [0] != 0) { # debug "Dropping sequence $sname" ; $query = "DROP SEQUENCE $sname" ; # debug $query ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; $sth->finish () ; } } sub drop_index_if_exists ( $ ) { my $iname = shift or die "Not enough arguments" ; $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='$iname' AND relkind='i'" ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; my @array = $sth->fetchrow_array () ; $sth->finish () ; if ($array [0] != 0) { # debug "Dropping index $iname" ; $query = "DROP INDEX $iname" ; # debug $query ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; $sth->finish () ; } } sub drop_view_if_exists ( $ ) { my $iname = shift or die "Not enough arguments" ; $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='$iname' AND relkind='v'" ; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; my @array = $sth->fetchrow_array () ; $sth->finish () ; if ($array [0] != 0) { # debug "Dropping view $iname" ; $query = "DROP VIEW $iname" ; # debug $query ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; $sth->finish () ; } } sub bump_sequence_to ( $$ ) { my ($sth, @array, $seqname, $targetvalue) ; $seqname = shift ; $targetvalue = shift ; do { $query = "select nextval ('$seqname')" ; $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query) ; $sth->execute () ; @array = $sth->fetchrow_array () ; $sth->finish () ; } until $array[0] >= $targetvalue ; }