plugin_ldap descriptor_description LDAP Plugin. Provides LDAP information as well as LDAP authentication. plugin_ldap people_ldap Enterprise Directory plugin_ldap err_account_creation Unable to create a user account. Please contact an administrators. plugin_ldap more_from_directory More from the $1 Directory plugin_ldap directory Directory plugin_ldap total_entries Total number of entries plugin_ldap entry_# Entry # plugin_ldap entry_dn Entry dn plugin_ldap attributes attributes plugin_ldap ldap_login Enterprise Directory Login: plugin_ldap not_found Error - Not Found plugin_ldap no_ldap_login_found No Enterprise Directory login found plugin_ldap login_pls_use_ldap Please use your Enterprise Directory login (not the $1 one). plugin_ldap ugroup_list_ldap_title Import from Enterprise Directory plugin_ldap ugroup_list_add_users Add directory users plugin_ldap ugroup_list_add_set_binding Set Directory group binding plugin_ldap ugroup_list_add_upd_binding Update Directory group binding ($1) plugin_ldap project_admin_add_ugroup Link with an Enterprise Directory Group: # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: plugins/ldap/include/LDAP.class.php # plugin_ldap err_bind_nopasswd Could not bind to $1: no password plugin_ldap err_bind_invpasswd Could not bind to $1: invalid password? plugin_ldap err_nopasswd No password plugin_ldap err_cant_connect Could not connect to LDAP server plugin_ldap err_auth_search Authentication search failed plugin_ldap err_nouser User not found plugin_ldap err_badpasswd Invalid Password plugin_ldap err_cant_bind Could not bind to LDAP server plugin_ldap err_search LDAP search failed plugin_ldap err_nores No result found (no matching user) # #----------------------------------------------- # Script: plugins/ldap/www/welcome.php # # plugin_ldap welcome_title Welcome $1 plugin_ldap welcome_first_login First login to $1 plugin_ldap welcome_fill_form Thank you to fill the following before accessing your data: plugin_ldap welcome_btn_update Update my account plugin_ldap welcome_preferences Account preferences plugin_ldap welcome_your_data Account details plugin_ldap welcome_ldap_login User name: plugin_ldap welcome_email Email Address: plugin_ldap welcome_codendi_login $1 internal login: plugin_ldap welcome_codendi_login_j Required for CVS, FTP and Subversion accesses. plugin_ldap welcome_error_up User settings update error plugin_ldap welcome_error_up_expl An error occured during account update: $1. plugin_ldap welcome_err_notz You must supply a timezone.

Click on 'Back' to return to the previous screen and select a timezone. plugin_ldap welcome_tz Timezone plugin_ldap welcome_communitymail Receive additional community mailings. (Low traffic.) plugin_ldap welcome_siteupdate Receive Email about Site Updates (Very low traffic and includes security notices. Highly Recommended.) plugin_ldap welcome_mandatory Fields marked with $1 are mandatory. # # plugins/ldap/www/ugroup_edit.php # plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_ugroup_linked $1 is already linked with Directory group $2. plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_add_users_help Add users into the group (comma separated list). plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_you_can You can: plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_resync Re-synchronize the group with the directory (just press "Update"). plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_link Link (and synchronize) with a new group in the directory. plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_remove Remove the link between this group and the directory. plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_synchro If you choose to synchronize with a group from the directory, it will plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_synchro_add Add those who are not already member of this $1 group. plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_synchro_del Remove all users who belong to this $1 group but not to the Directory group if you don't enable the 'Preserve members' option. plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_preserve_members_info Check this option if you want to preserve users that are not part of the Directory group plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_preserve_members_option Preserve members plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_synchronize_info Check this option if you want to synchronize the group nightly with the directory one plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_synchronize_option Synchronize daily plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_add_users Users to add: plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_group_bind_with_group Bind with group from Directory: plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_btn_update Update group plugin_ldap ugroup_edit_btn_unlink Unlink group and directory plugin_ldap ugroup_members_synchro_title Enterprise directory <-> User Group members synchronization plugin_ldap ugroup_members_synchro_warning This is a confirmation screen that shows what will happens to User Group members if you hit 'Update group' button below.
On the left the list of users to be removed from the group and on the right the people to be added as group members. plugin_ldap ugroup_members_import_title Importing users from an Entreprise Directory group plugin_ldap ugroup_members_import_warning This is a confirmation screen that shows what will happen if you hit the 'Update group' button below.
On the left the list of users to be imported from the group and on the right the list of people that will not be impacted. # # plugins/ldap/www/admin.php # plugin_ldap project_members_synchro_title Enterprise directory <-> Project members synchronization plugin_ldap project_members_synchro_warning This is a confirmation screen that shows what will happens to project members if you hit 'Update' button below.
On the left the list of users to be removed from the project and on the right the people to be added as project members.
Please not that people removed from the project are also removed from the diffrent user groups of this project. # # plugins/ldap/www/admin.php & plugins/ldap/www/ugroup_edit.php # plugin_ldap group_members_synchro_sumup Operations summary: plugin_ldap group_members_synchro_to_remove $1 user(s) to REMOVE plugin_ldap group_members_synchro_to_add $1 user(s) to ADD plugin_ldap group_members_import_sumup Operations summary: plugin_ldap group_members_import_to_add $1 user(s) to ADD plugin_ldap group_members_import_not_impacted $1 user(s) NOT IMPACTED # # LDAP_UserManager # plugin_ldap user_manager_no_login Cannot add user $1 (id: $2) into group. No uid associated to user in $3 plugin_ldap user_manager_user_not_found User not found: $1 plugin_ldap not_created_user Cannot create User in database # # LDAP_UserGroupManager # plugin_ldap ugroup_manager_ldap_group_not_found Group $1 not found in directory plugin_ldap ugroup_manager_unlink User group no longer linked with the directory plugin_ldap invalid_ldap_group_name Invalid LDAP group name (not found in directory) # # LDAP_SyncNotificationManager # plugin_ldap ldap_sync_mail_notification_subject [LDAP Daily Synchronization] $1 is suspended, please clean up $2 project. plugin_ldap ldap_sync_mail_notification_body Dear project administrators,
The user $1 <$2> has been suspended after LDAP daily synchronization Job.
Please consider clean up your project data ($3) referencing this user (artifacts assignement, user groups, etc.).
This cleanup will be automatically performed after $4 days; The user status will change from suspended to Deleted and he will be removed from all projects. plugin_ldap ldap_sync_reminder_mail_notification_subject [Reminder][LDAP Synch] The user $1 will be deleted tomorrow plugin_ldap ldap_sync_reminder_mail_notification_body Dear project administrators,
The user $1 <$2> will be automatically removed from your project ($3) tomorrow. His status will change from suspended to Deleted .
Please consider clean up your project data referencing this user. project_admin_utils project_admins_daily_synchronization_user_not_removed Project members daily synchronization: administrator not removed