plugin_hudson descriptor_description Continuous Integration with Hudson/Jenkins plugin_hudson descriptor_name Continuous Integration plugin_hudson title Continuous Integration plugin_hudson service_lbl_key Continuous Integration plugin_hudson service_desc_key Continuous Integration with Hudson/Jenkins plugin_hudson reference_job_desc_key Jenkins Job plugin_hudson reference_build_desc_key Jenkins Build plugin_hudson reference_job_nature_key Jenkins Job plugin_hudson reference_build_nature_key Jenkins Build plugin_hudson no_jobs_linked No Jenkins jobs associated with this project. To add a job, select the link just below. plugin_hudson header_table_job Job plugin_hudson header_table_lastsuccess Last Success plugin_hudson header_table_lastfailure Last Failure plugin_hudson header_table_rss RSS plugin_hudson header_table_svn_trigger SVN trigger plugin_hudson header_table_cvs_trigger CVS trigger plugin_hudson header_table_actions Actions plugin_hudson build build plugin_hudson last_build Last Build: plugin_hudson last_build_success Last Success: plugin_hudson last_build_failure Last Failure: plugin_hudson show_job Show job $1 plugin_hudson show_build Show build #$1 of job $2 plugin_hudson weather_report Weather Report: plugin_hudson rss_feed RSS feed of all builds for $1 job plugin_hudson service_not_used Continuous integration service is not enabled plugin_hudson group_id_missing Missing group_id parameter. plugin_hudson addjob_title Add job plugin_hudson addjob Submit plugin_hudson form_job_url Job URL: plugin_hudson form_job_name Job name: plugin_hudson form_job_use_trigger Trigger a build after commits: plugin_hudson form_job_use_svn_trigger Trigger a build after SVN commits: plugin_hudson form_job_use_cvs_trigger Trigger a build after CVS commits: plugin_hudson form_job_scm_svn SVN plugin_hudson form_job_scm_cvs CVS plugin_hudson alt_svn_trigger SVN commit will trigger a build plugin_hudson svn_paths_helper If empty, every commits will trigger a build. plugin_hudson svn_paths_label Only when commit occurs on following paths: plugin_hudson svn_paths_placeholder One path per line... plugin_hudson alt_cvs_trigger CVS commit will trigger a build plugin_hudson form_job_with_token with (optional) token: plugin_hudson wrong_job_url Wrong Job URL: $1 plugin_hudson job_url_file_not_found File not found at URL: $1 plugin_hudson job_url_file_error Unable to read file at URL: $1 plugin_hudson form_joburl_example eg: http://myCIserver/jenkins/job/myJob or http://myCIserver/jenkins/job/myJob/buildWithParameters?param1=value1 for parameterized jobs plugin_hudson form_jobname_help Name (with no space) used to make a reference to this job. Eg: job #$1 plugin_hudson form_addjob_button Add job plugin_hudson editjob_title Edit job plugin_hudson form_editjob_button Update job plugin_hudson job_url_missing Missing Jenkins job URL (eg: http://myCIserver:8080/jenkins/job/MyJob) plugin_hudson job_id_missing Missing Jenkins job ID plugin_hudson add_job_error Unable to add Jenkins job. plugin_hudson job_added Jenkins job added. plugin_hudson edit_job Edit this job plugin_hudson edit_job_error Unable to update Jenkins job plugin_hudson edit_jobname_spacesreplaced Spaces are not allowed in job name. They were replaced by "_". plugin_hudson job_updated Jenkins job updated. plugin_hudson delete_job Delete this job from this project plugin_hudson delete_job_error Unable to delete Jenkins job plugin_hudson job_deleted Jenkins job deleted. plugin_hudson delete_job_confirmation Are you sure you want to delete Job $1 from project $2? plugin_hudson back_to_jobs Back to jobs list plugin_hudson build_time Build performed on: plugin_hudson status Status: plugin_hudson status_blue Success plugin_hudson status_blue_anime In progress plugin_hudson status_yellow Unstable plugin_hudson status_yellow_anime In progress plugin_hudson status_red Failure plugin_hudson status_red_anime In progress plugin_hudson status_grey Pending plugin_hudson status_grey_anime In progress plugin_hudson status_unknown Unknown status plugin_hudson global_status_blue Success plugin_hudson global_status_yellow One or more unstable job plugin_hudson global_status_red One or more failure or pending job plugin_hudson my_jobs My Jenkins Jobs plugin_hudson monitored_jobs Monitored jobs: plugin_hudson monitored_job Monitored job: plugin_hudson use_global_status Use global status: plugin_hudson project_jobs Jenkins Jobs plugin_hudson project_job_details $1 Jenkins Job plugin_hudson project_job_lastbuilds $1 Last Builds plugin_hudson project_job_testresults_widget_title $1 Test Results ($2 / $3) plugin_hudson project_job_testresults_projectname $1 Test Results plugin_hudson project_job_testresults Test Results plugin_hudson project_job_lastartifacts $1 Last Artifacts plugin_hudson pass_legend Pass ($1) plugin_hudson fail_legend Fail ($1) plugin_hudson skip_legend Skip ($1) plugin_hudson project_job_testtrend $1 Test Result Trend plugin_hudson project_job_buildhistory $1 Builds History plugin_hudson widget_no_job_project No job found. Please [add a job] before adding any Jenkins widget. plugin_hudson widget_no_job_my No job found. Please add a job to any of your project before. plugin_hudson widget_no_monitoredjob_my You are not monitoring any job. Select preferences link to monitor a job. plugin_hudson widget_job_not_found Job not found. plugin_hudson widget_tests_not_found No test found for this job. plugin_hudson widget_build_not_found No build found for this job. plugin_hudson widget_description_buildshistory Show the build history of the selected job, under the form of RSS feed. For each build of the list, you can see the build number, the status and the date the build has been scheduled. plugin_hudson widget_description_lastartifacts Show the last successfully published artifacts of one job. To display something, your job needs to publish artifacts. plugin_hudson widget_description_lastbuilds Show the last builds for this job (last one, last successful, last failed) and the weather report. The trend is represented by a weather report (sun, thunder, etc.) meaning that the trend is good or not. plugin_hudson widget_description_testresults Show the test results of the latest build for the selected job.To display something, your job needs to execute tests and publish them. The result is shown on a pie chart. plugin_hudson widget_description_testtrend Show the test result trend for the selected job. To display something, your job needs to have tests. The graph will show the number of tests (failed and successful) along time. The number of tests is increasing while the number of build and commits are increasing too. plugin_hudson widget_description_myjobs Show an overview of all the jobs of all the projects you're member of. You can of course select the jobs you wish to display by selecting the preferences link of the widget. plugin_hudson widget_description_jobsoverview Shows an overview of all the jobs associated with this project. You can always choose the ones you want to display in the widget (preferences link). widget_categ_label ci Continuous Integration plugin_hudson error_object_not_found Error: Jenkins object not found. plugin_hudson job_count Number of jobs until $1