plugin_git descriptor_description Plugin which provides Git support for Tuleap plugin_git descriptor_name Git Plugin plugin_git please_choose Please choose plugin_git cancel Cancel plugin_git edit edit plugin_git view view plugin_git title Git Plugin plugin_git service_lbl_key Git plugin_git service_desc_key Git plugin_git help_reference_title Initialize a repository plugin_git help_init_reference
  • cd mysources
  • git init
  • touch README (for example)
  • git add README
  • git commit -m 'initial commit'
  • git push <repository_url> master
  • plugin_git help_init_reference_msg The current repository has not been initialized yet, this is required to allow users to clone it plugin_git help_create_reference_title Create a reference plugin_git help_create_reference
  • A reference is main repository which intends to be forked onto the Tuleap server (e.g. shared project feature) as well as cloned by users for local developments
  • plugin_git help_link Help plugin_git help_tree
  • The tree of repositories shows the repository hierarchie. References are roots as clones (forks) are displayed below their parent
  • Each repository is a link to a detail and administration page
  • plugin_git help_fork
  • A fork is a reference clone or a fork clone
  • It is accessible by all project members with read and write permissions.
  • It may be used as a repository for any feature developpement.
  • plugin_git info_access_title Git access plugin_git info_access_content Repositories are accessible through the following url, where REPO_NAME must be replaced with the actual repository name.
    For any access permission issue please contact your site admin. plugin_git bread_crumb_home Repository list plugin_git bread_crumb_help Help plugin_git bread_crumb_admin Admin plugin_git tree_title_available_repo Project repositories plugin_git tree_msg_no_available_repo No repository found plugin_git admin_reference_creation_title Reference creation plugin_git admin_reference_creation_input_name Name: plugin_git admin_reference_creation_textarea_name Description plugin_git admin_reference_creation_submit Create plugin_git admin_reference_creation_input_type Enable fine grain permissions on this repository (EXPERIMENTAL). plugin_git admin_reference_creation_lab_feature This is an experimental feature. If any doubts, don't use it! plugin_git admin_fork_creation_title Fork plugin_git admin_fork_creation_input_name Fork name plugin_git admin_fork_creation_input_parentname Parent plugin_git admin_fork_creation_submit Fork plugin_git admin_repolist_selectbox_choose Choose one plugin_git admin_repolist_selectbox_references References plugin_git admin_repolist_selectbox_forks Forks plugin_git admin_deletion_title Repository deletion plugin_git admin_deletion_submit Delete this repository plugin_git admin_deletion_input_name Delete plugin_git deletion_gerrit_no The repository cannot be deleted until it is disconnected from Gerrit plugin_git admin_save_submit Save plugin_git admin_mail Notifications plugin_git admin_mirroring Mirroring plugin_git mirroring_title Mirroring plugin_git mirroring_info Select the mirrors where you want to replicate the repository $1: plugin_git mirroring_default_info Select the mirrors where the new repositories will be replicated by default: plugin_git mirroring_mirror_name Name plugin_git mirroring_mirror_url URL plugin_git mirroring_mirror_used Used by this repository? plugin_git mirroring_mirror_default_used Used by default? plugin_git mirroring_update_mirroring Update mirroring of this repository plugin_git mirroring_update_default_mirroring Update default mirroring plugin_git mirroring_mirroring_successful The repository will be replicated on the selected mirrors in a few minutes. plugin_git mirroring_mirroring_successful_plural The repositories will be replicated on the selected mirrors in a few minutes. plugin_git mirroring_unmirroring_successful The repository will be completely revoked from mirrors in a few minutes. plugin_git mirroring_unmirroring_successful_plural The repositories will be completely removed from mirrors in a few minutes. plugin_git mirroring_mirroring_error Error when defining on which mirrors the repository is replicated. plugin_git default_mirros_update_success Default mirrors updated. plugin_git default_mirros_update_error An error occured while updating default mirrors. plugin_git admin_settings General settings plugin_git gerrit_pane_title Gerrit plugin_git gerrit_title Migration to Gerrit plugin_git gerrit_url Please choose the Gerrit server: plugin_git gerrit_migration_description You are about to migrate your repository $1 to Gerrit. plugin_git gerrit_migration_more_description The management of the repository (permissions, ...) will be delegated to Gerrit: plugin_git gerrit_migrated_more_description As a reminder, the management of the repository (permissions, ...) has been delegated to Gerrit: plugin_git gerrit_migrate_to Migrate repo to Gerrit plugin_git gerrit_past_project_warn This repository was migrated to the server in the past. You cannot migrate again without deleting the project on the Gerrit server plugin_git gerrit_past_project_delete Delete gerrit project plugin_git gerrit_server_already_migrated The repository $1 has already been migrated to the Gerrit project: $2. plugin_git gerrit_server_migration_error The migration failed $1, the gerrit repository is probably corrupted or partially migrated, do not use it and contact your site administration plugin_git permissions_on_remote_server You can only change READ permissions since this repository is managed by a remote Gerrit server. Please note that those modifications are local to $1 ARE NOT propagated to Gerrit. plugin_git gerrit_migration_ongoing The migration of this repository to Gerrit server is on going, please wait for a few minutes. plugin_git gerrit_migrate_access_right Migrate to Gerrit the access rights defined in the Git plugin. plugin_git gerrit_template Please choose a permission's configuration template for the migration,
    they will be applied to the migrated repository on Gerrit: plugin_git default_gerrit_template Permissions defined in Git plugin_git none_gerrit_template No pre-set permissions plugin_git controller_access_denied You are not allowed to access this page plugin_git dao_delete_error Unable to delete repository from database plugin_git dao_delete_params Missing repository id or project id plugin_git dao_update_error Unable to update Repository data plugin_git dao_search_params Repository not found : missing repository name or project id plugin_git dao_search_error Repository not found plugin_git dao_error_create_notification Mail to notify not added plugin_git dao_error_remove_notification Mail not removed plugin_git dao_child_params Repository child search failed : missing repository id plugin_git disconnect_gerrit_title Disconnect from Gerrit plugin_git disconnect_gerrit_button Disconnect plugin_git gerrit_project_delete Also Delete project on Gerrit plugin_git gerrit_project_readonly Make project on Gerrit Read-Only plugin_git gerrit_project_leave Leave project on Gerrit plugin_git disconnect_gerrit_msg This operation cannot be undone. This repository will never again be managed by a gerrit server. Do you confirm the disconnection? plugin_git disconnect_gerrit_yes Yes, I want to disconnect from Gerrit plugin_git backend_delete_haschild_error Unable to delete repository: it has child(ren) plugin_git backend_delete_path_error Unable to delete repository: path outside project repository root plugin_git backend_gitroot_mkdir_error Error while creating root for Git repositories (Contact the site admin) plugin_git backend_projectroot_mkdir_error Error while creating project root for Git repository (Contact the site admin) plugin_git backend_projectroot_chgrp_error Error while setting project root permissions (Contact the site admin) plugin_git disable_delete_gitolite It's not yet possible to delete "Gitolite" based repositories plugin_git disable_fork_gitolite It's not yet possible to fork "Gitolite" based repositories plugin_git actions_params_error Empty required parameter(s) plugin_git actions_long_description Too long description plugin_git actions_delete_process Repository '$1' will be removed in a few seconds plugin_git actions_input_format_error Repository name is not well formatted. Allowed characters: $1 and max length is $2, no slashes at the beginning or the end, it also must not finish with ".git". plugin_git actions_create_repo_process Repository will be created in a few seconds plugin_git actions_create_repo_exists Repository $1 already exists or would override an existing path plugin_git actions_delete_ok Repository has been deleted plugin_git actions_no_repository_forked No repository has been forked. plugin_git gerrit_project_exists A Gerrit project with that name already exists on that server plugin_git gerrit_server_down Cannot connect to remote Gerrit server plugin_git project_deletion_not_possible Cannot delete project $1 on Gerrit: $2. plugin_git project_deletion_open_elements There are open changes for this project. plugin_git actions_repo_not_found The repository does not exist plugin_git actions_mirror_ids_not_valid This request is not valid (invalid mirror ids). plugin_git actions_repo_access Repository access permissions are going to be modified in a few seconds plugin_git actions_save_repo_process Repository informations have been saved plugin_git actions_delete_backup A repository backup of '$1' will be available in the backup directory plugin_git actions_name_not_available A file already exists with this name under gitroot plugin_git actions_missing_permission Please define both Write and Rewind permissions. plugin_git view_repo_description Description plugin_git view_repo_creator Created by plugin_git view_repo_creation_date Date plugin_git view_repo_parent_gitshell Parent: $1 plugin_git view_repo_parent_gitolite Forked from $1 plugin_git view_repo_initialized Initialized plugin_git view_repo_not_initialized Not initialized plugin_git view_repo_clone_url Clone url plugin_git view_repo_access_control Access control plugin_git view_repo_access Access plugin_git view_repo_access_public Public plugin_git view_repo_access_private Private plugin_git repo_not_initialized Repository is not initialized plugin_git confirm_deletion_msg You are about to permanently delete the repository $1. This operation cannot be undone. Do you confirm the deletion? plugin_git yes Yes plugin_git no No plugin_git project_service_not_available Service not available for your project (Please contact site administrator) plugin_git reference_commit_desc_key Git commit plugin_git reference_commit_nature_key Git commit plugin_git mail_prefix_label Notification Prefix plugin_git mail_prefix_title Update notification mail prefix plugin_git mail_prefix New prefix plugin_git mail_prefix_submit Update plugin_git settings_hooks_title Webhooks plugin_git settings_hooks_delete_success Webhook removed plugin_git settings_hooks_delete_error Error while removing the webhook :( plugin_git settings_hooks_add_success Webhook added plugin_git settings_hooks_edit_error Error while saving the webhook :( plugin_git settings_hooks_edit_success Webhook saved plugin_git settings_hooks_add_error Error while adding the webhook :( plugin_git settings_hooks_desc You can define several generic webhooks. plugin_git settings_hooks_edit Edit generic webhook plugin_git settings_hooks_edit_save Save generic webhook plugin_git settings_hooks_create Add generic webhook plugin_git settings_hooks_create_desc Add a target which will be called everytime a git push will be done. The URL will be called using HTTP POST method. plugin_git settings_hooks_create_label Target URL: plugin_git settings_hooks_last_push Last push plugin_git settings_hooks_url URL plugin_git settings_hooks_empty_hooks No defined webhooks yet plugin_git settings_hooks_remove Remove plugin_git settings_hooks_logs Logs plugin_git settings_hooks_time_label Time plugin_git settings_hooks_info_label Return type plugin_git settings_hooks_logs_for Logs for $1 plugin_git settings_hooks_empty_logs No logs yet plugin_git settings_hooks_remove_webhook_desc You are about to remove the webhook. Please confirm your action. plugin_git settings_hooks_remove_webhook_confirm Confirm deletion plugin_git settings_hooks_generic Generic webhooks plugin_git add_mail_label Notificated People plugin_git add_mail_title Add a mail address or a user to notify plugin_git add_mail_msg You can add more than one mail/user using comma or semi-column as separator. plugin_git add_mail Mail address/User plugin_git add_mail_submit Add plugin_git add_mail_existing There is no users to be notified yet. plugin_git no_user_mail The added user $1 have no mail address plugin_git no_user No user corresponding to entry "$1" plugin_git mail_prefix_updated Mail prefix updated plugin_git mail_added Mail added plugin_git mail_not_added Could not add mail $1 plugin_git mail_removed Mail $1 removed plugin_git mail_not_removed Could not remove mail $1 plugin_git mail_existing The notification is already enabled for this email $1 plugin_git notified_mails_title List of notified mails plugin_git set_private_warn Making the repository access private will remove notification for all mail addresses that doesn't correspond to a user member of this project. plugin_git set_private_confirm Do you confirm change of repository access to private ? plugin_git set_private_mails List of mails to remove from notification plugin_git feedback_event_create There is an event in queue for a repository creation ($1), it will be processed in one minute or two. Please be patient! plugin_git feedback_event_delete There is an event in queue for repository '$1' deletion, it will be processed in one minute or two. Please be patient! plugin_git feedback_event_access There is an event in queue for a repository permissions change, it will be processed in one minute or two. Please be patient! plugin_git gitolite_lab_feature_title Fine grain permissions on git repositories plugin_git gitolite_lab_feature_description Allow to set specifics, distincts, permissions for Read or Write operations. plugin_git perm_R Read plugin_git perm_W Write plugin_git perm_W+ Rewind plugin_git fork_repositories Fork repositories plugin_git fork_personal_repositories_desc

    You can create personal forks of any reference repositories. By default forks will end up into your personal area of this project.

    plugin_git fork_project_repositories_desc

    You might choose to fork into another project. In this case, fork creates new "References" in the target project.
    You need to be administrator of the target project to do so and Git service must be activated.

    plugin_git fork_repositories_select Select repositories to fork plugin_git fork_repositories_path Choose the path for the forks plugin_git fork_repositories_placeholder Enter a path or leave it blank plugin_git fork_destination_project Choose a destination project plugin_git fork_malformed_path Path cannot contain double dots (..) plugin_git fork_choose_destination_project Copy to another project plugin_git fork_choose_destination_personal Create personal repositories in this project plugin_git successfully_forked Successfully forked plugin_git fork_destination_project_message Into project $1 plugin_git fork_destination_personal_message As personal fork plugin_git fork_repository_message You are going to fork repository: $1 plugin_git tree_view_project Project plugin_git tree_view_repository Repository plugin_git tree_view_description Description plugin_git tree_view_last_push Last push plugin_git tree_view_date Date plugin_git tree_view_commits Commits plugin_git tree_view_by $1 by $2 project_admin_utils perm_granted_for_git_repository Permission granted for git repository $1 project_admin_utils perm_reset_for_git_repository Permission reset for git repository $1 project_admin_utils default_git_perms_granted_for_project Default git permissions granted for project $1 plugin_git fork_repository_exists Repository $1 already exists on target, skipped. plugin_git fork_repository_invalid_namespace Invalid namespace, please only use alphanumeric characters. plugin_git missing_parameter_to_project No project selected for the fork plugin_git missing_parameter_repos No repository selected for thr fork plugin_git ci_trigger Git trigger plugin_git ci_repo_id repository plugin_git ci_field_description Trigger a build after Git pushes in repository plugin_git ci_trigger_not_saved Git trigger not saved plugin_git ci_bad_repo_id Bad repository id plugin_git ci_repository_not_in_project Git repository does not belong to the project plugin_git ci_trigger_not_deleted Git trigger not deleted plugin_git widget_user_pushes_title My last Git pushes plugin_git widget_project_pushes_title Last Git pushes plugin_git widget_project_pushes_label Pushes plugin_git widget_user_pushes_description Display last Git pushes performed by the user plugin_git widget_project_pushes_description Display last Git pushes of the project. plugin_git widget_user_pushes_no_content No pushes to display plugin_git widget_user_pushes_offset Maximum number of push by repository plugin_git widget_user_pushes_past_days Maximum number of days ago plugin_git widget_user_pushes_details Details plugin_git widget_project_pushes_max_weeks For chart readability considerations, the maximum weeks numbers is 25. plugin_git widget_project_pushes_error There is no logged pushes in the last $1 week(s) plugin_git logsdaily_field Repository plugin_git logsdaily_title Git access plugin_git delegated_to_gerrit The management of this Git repository has been delegated to the Gerrit platform: plugin_git delegated_to_gerrit_error An error occured while migrating this repository on gerrit $1. Do not use gerrit repository, check gerrit settings and contact site administration. plugin_git delegated_to_gerrit_queue This repository is in queue for migration to gerrit. Please check back here in a few minutes. plugin_git waiting_for_repo_creation The repository is in queue for creation. Please check back here in a few minutes plugin_git waiting_for_repo_creation_default_mirrors The repository will be automatically mirrored on: $1. plugin_git delegated_to_gerrit_error_mail_subject Migration of $1 to gerrit error plugin_git delegated_to_gerrit_error_mail_body An error occured while migrating repository $1 on gerrit. Please check gerrit settings and contact site administration. plugin_git push_ssh_keys_error Error pushing SSH Keys. Please add them manually. plugin_git push_ssh_keys_button_value Manually push SSH keys plugin_git push_ssh_keys_button_title Push SSH keys to remote servers plugin_git push_ssh_keys_info Old keys need to be pushed manually. All new keys are automatically pushed to the following Gerrit servers: plugin_git gerrit_remote_exception An error occured while trying to access Gerrit server, maybe the server is down, please check with administrators: $1 plugin_git gerrit_deletion_ongoing The deletion of the project under Gerrit is on going, please wait for a few minutes. plugin_git gerrit_readonly_ongoing The setting of the project under Gerrit to read-only is on going, please wait for a few minutes. plugin_git view_admin_title Git Administration plugin_git view_admin_tab_gerrit_templates Gerrit Templates plugin_git view_admin_tab_git_admins Git administrators plugin_git view_admin_tab_mass_update Mass update of repositories plugin_git view_admin_tab_default_settings Default git settings plugin_git view_admin_tab_default_access_rights Default git access control plugin_git view_admin_repos_list Configurations plugin_git view_admin_templates_list Templates plugin_git view_admin_edit_configuration_label You can edit the template. The %projectname% variable is available; it will be replaced by the project's name during the migration process: plugin_git view_admin_file_name_label Template file name plugin_git view_admin_submit_button Save plugin_git view_admin_template_section_title Gerrit permission configuration templates plugin_git view_admin_template_section_description This section allows you to choose a Gerrit project configuration and create a reusable template from it plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_title Mass update of repositories plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_select_repositories Select the repositories you want to update. You will be able to apply mass changes on the next page. plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_repository_list_name Repository name plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_go_to_mass_change Update selected repositories plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_selected_repository You are about to update the repository $1. For now, only mirroring settings can be updated. plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_selected_repositories You are about to update $1 repositories. For now, only mirroring settings can be updated. plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_submit_mass_change Update repositories plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_previous_state_used Was used plugin_git view_admin_mass_update_previous_state_unused Was unused plugin_git view_admin_template_table_action Action plugin_git view_admin_template_table_name Template name plugin_git view_admin_create_new_template_text Create new plugin_git view_admin_template_from_gerrit_text from gerrit config plugin_git view_admin_template_from_template_text from template plugin_git view_admin_template_from_scratch_text from scratch plugin_git view_admin_template_created Template created plugin_git view_admin_template_updated Template updated plugin_git view_admin_template_invalid_project Invalid Project ID plugin_git view_admin_template_invalid_template_id Invalid Template ID plugin_git view_admin_template_cannot_update Unable to update template plugin_git view_admin_template_cannot_create Unable to create template plugin_git view_admin_no_gerrit_server It does not appear to be any gerrit server set-up for this platform! Please contact your site administrator. plugin_git view_admin_git_admins Git administrators plugin_git view_admin_git_admins_description This section allows you to select Git service administrators, in addition to project administrators. plugin_git view_admin_git_admins_submit_button Submit plugin_git view_admin_git_admins_update_feedback $1 plugin_git gerrit_template_delete Delete plugin_git gerrit_template_delete_error An error occured while trying to delete the template. plugin_git gerrit_template_delete_success Template successfully deleted. plugin_git third_party_access_text In order to make sure I have the correct access on Gerrit, it can be necessary to update my group and project membership plugin_git third_party_synch_button Update plugin_git third_party_synch_warning You may need to log into Gerrit first plugin_git no_longer_access_to_admin Further to an administration permissions update, you no-longer have access to the Git service administration. plugin_git no_data_retrieved No data retrieved from the request plugin_git not_valid_request The request is not valid. plugin_git admin_gerrit_version_label Gerrit server version: plugin_git admin_gerrit_v2_8plus 2.8+ plugin_git admin_gerrit_v2_5 2.5 plugin_git admin_gerrit_http_password_label HTTP password: plugin_git access_control_title Access control settings plugin_git allow_regexp_info Allow usage of regexp in branches and tags during repository permission definition plugin_git save_settings Save settings plugin_git no_go_back Feature under development. Once regexp is activated for platform it wont be possible to disable it. plugin_git warning_is_activated Feature under development. You can't disable regexp functionality for now. plugin_git update_error An error occurred while activating regexp option for Git fine grained permission. plugin_git gitolite_config_tab_name Gitolite configuration plugin_git gerrit_tab_name Gerrit plugin_git general_settings_tab_name General settings plugin_git mirror_tab_name Mirrors plugin_git admin_mirror_save_failed Failed to add new mirror plugin_git admin_mirror_fields_required All fields are required plugin_git admin_mirror_hostname_duplicate Hostname must be unique! plugin_git admin_mirror_hostname_reserved Hostname ($1) is reserved! plugin_git reserved_hostnames_help Must be unique. The name "projects" and the hostname defined in .gitolite.rc file cannot be used. plugin_git admin_mirror_cannot_update Failed to update mirror plugin_git admin_mirror_no_changes No changes for mirror plugin_git admin_mirror_updated Mirror updated! plugin_git admin_mirror_cannot_delete Failed to delete mirror plugin_git admin_mirror_defalut_cannot_delete An error occured whiled deleting the mirror in the default mirrors for projects. plugin_git admin_mirror_deleted Mirror deleted! plugin_git add_mirror Add a new mirror plugin_git dump_mirrored_repositories_label Dump mirrored repositories configuration plugin_git dump_mirrored_repositories_text If you click this button, a system event will be queued to dump the mirrored repositories configuration. This dump will rewrite the gitolite configuration according to the hostnames of each mirror and the hostname define for this server in the .gitolite.rc file. plugin_git dump_gitolite_conf_queued A system event has been queued. The gitolite configuration will be dumped at the time of its execution. Git queue can be found here. plugin_git mirror_section_title Git mirror administration plugin_git url_label SSH Host plugin_git hostname_label Hostname plugin_git owner_label Owner plugin_git ssh_key_label Owner's SSH Key plugin_git pwd_label Owner's Password plugin_git mirrored_repo_label Repositories on this mirror plugin_git manage_allowed_projects_label Manage allowed projects plugin_git admin_update_button Update plugin_git admin_delete_button Delete plugin_git change_pwd click here to change plugin_git or or plugin_git mirror_no_repository No repositories on this mirror plugin_git mirror_repo Repository plugin_git mirror_title List of repositories on mirror $1 plugin_git mirror_back Back to mirror list plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_back_link_title Back to mirror list plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_title Manage projects allowed to use $1 plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_allow_all Allow all the projects to use this mirror. plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_allow_all_submit Save plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_list List of allowed projects plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_list_allow_placeholder Project name plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_list_allow_project Allow access plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_list_revoke_projects Revoke access to selected plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_list_filter_placeholder Filter on project id or name plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_list_id Id plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_list_name Name plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_list_empty Currently, there's no project allowed to use this mirror. plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_unset_restricted All projects can now use this mirror. plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_set_restricted Now, only the allowed projects are able to use this mirror. Projects with at least one repository using this mirror have been automatically added to the list of allowed projects. plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_restricted_error Something went wrong during the update of the mirror restriction status. plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_allow_project Submitted project can now use this mirror. plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_revoke_projects Submitted projects will not be able to use this mirror. plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_update_project_list_error Something went wrong during the update of the allowed project list. plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_revoke_title Warning plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_revoke_description You are about to revoke the access to this mirror to one or several projects. This implies the unmirroring of all repositories of the selected projects. Are you sure you want to do this? plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_revoke_yes Yes, revoke access plugin_git mirror_allowed_project_revoke_no No plugin_git system_event_queue Git Queue plugin_git mirror_system_event_queue Grok Mirror Queue project_admin_utils git_repo_create Git repository creation project_admin_utils git_repo_delete Git repository deletion project_admin_utils git_repo_update Git repository update project_admin_utils git_repo_mirroring_update Git repository mirroring update project_admin_utils git_repo_to_gerrit Git repository to gerrit project_admin_utils git_create_template Gerrit template created project_admin_utils git_delete_template Gerrit template deleted project_admin_utils git_disconnect_gerrit_delete Disconnect to Gerrit and delete repository project_admin_utils git_disconnect_gerrit_read_only Disconnect to Gerrit and repository in read only project_admin_utils git_admin_groups Git admin groups project_admin_utils git_fork_repositories Git fork repositories plugin_git identifier Identifier plugin_git identifier_placeholder e.g. location, ... plugin_git url_placeholder e.g. plugin_git hostname_placeholder e.g. sfo-mirror plugin_git how_to_use_text How to use a Git repository: plugin_git clone_text Clone the repository in order to get your working copy: plugin_git add_remote_text Or just add this repository as a remote to an existing local repository: plugin_git default_location Default plugin_git ssh_mirrors_text SSH Mirrors plugin_git restore_invalid_id Unable to restore Git repository : Invalid repository id plugin_git restore_invalid_name Unable to restore Git repository : repository with the same name already exist plugin_git restore_event_created System event created to restore repository plugin_git restore_no_repo_found No restorable git repositories found plugin_git restore_confirmation Confirm restore of this Git repository plugin_git archived_repositories Deleted git repositories plugin_git exceed_max_input_vars_message We cannot handle the mass update of all selected repositoies therefore we kept only $1 repositories in your selection. plugin_git gerrit_user_suspension_error Error when suspending ($1) $2 from gerrit server $3, more details : $4 plugin_git gerrit_user_suspension_successful Gerrit: ($1) $2 has been successfully suspended from gerrit server $3 plugin_git regenerate_config_bad_request Bad request. plugin_git regenerate_config_project_not_exist Project does not exist. plugin_git regenerate_config_waiting Regenerating Gitolite config for project $1. Please wait few minutes. plugin_git admin_gitolite_config_title Administration of Gitolite configuration plugin_git admin_gitolite_config_description This section allows you to regenerate the Gitolite configuration file of a selected project. plugin_git deprecated Starting Tuleap 8.14, we recommend you to use polling jobs. Please see Hudson Git Plugin. plugin_git save_access_control Save permissions plugin_git default_access_control_saved Default access control successfully saved. plugin_git default_access_control_missing Please define Write permissions. plugin_git default_permissions_title Default permissions plugin_git fine_grained_permissions_title Fine-grained permissions plugin_git fine_grained_permissions_checkbox_label Enable fine-grained permissions plugin_git fine_grained_permissions_fork_warning Please note that when forking a single repository to another project, user-defined static user groups will not be copied. plugin_git fine_grained_permissions_tags_title Tags plugin_git fine_grained_permissions_branches_title Branches plugin_git fine_grained_permissions_pattern_column Pattern plugin_git fine_grained_permissions_actions_column Actions plugin_git fine_grained_permissions_empty No permission defined yet. plugin_git add_branch_permission Add permission on a new branch plugin_git add_tag_permission Add permission on a new tag plugin_git add_permission_duplicate_pattern Pattern $1 is already existing. plugin_git regexp_permission_label Enable regexp in branches and tags pattern plugin_git regexp_under_construction Cannot enable this feature at this level for now. plugin_git regexp_incoherence_label Enabling this option might end up in non working state. Invalid regexp will be ignored without errors. plugin_git title_warning_regexp_uncheck Some rules may be deleted plugin_git warning_regexp_uncheck All rules containing a regexp will be deleted. Please confirm the desactivation of regexp. plugin_git view_repo_ci_token CI Token plugin_git regenerate_ci_token Reset token plugin_git no_ci_token No CI Token plugin_git ci_token_description This token is used to authenticate CIs like Jenkins when calling the build status update APIs plugin_git fine_grained_remove_button Delete plugin_git fine_grained_remove_desc You are about to remove this permission. Please confirm your action. plugin_git fine_grained_remove_confirm Confirm deletion plugin_git fine_grained_bad_request Bad request. plugin_git fine_grained_delete_ok Permission successfully deleted. plugin_git fine_grained_delete_error An error occured while deleting permission. plugin_git fine_grained_bad_pattern The pattern $1 is not well formed. Skipping. plugin_git stats_read Total number of git read access