plugin_agiledashboard descriptor_description Agile Dashboard plugin_agiledashboard descriptor_name Agile Dashboard plugin_agiledashboard service_lbl_key Agile Dashboard plugin_agiledashboard service_desc_key Agile Dashboard plugin_agiledashboard Admin Agile Dashboard Administration plugin_agiledashboard AdminScrum Scrum Administration of Agile Dashboard plugin_agiledashboard AdminKanban Kanban Administration of Agile Dashboard plugin_agiledashboard AdminAdditionalPane Agile Dashboard Administration plugin_agiledashboard cannot_create_planning You cannot create new planning because either: plugin_agiledashboard cannot_create_planning_no_trackers there is no trackers in tracker service plugin_agiledashboard cannot_create_planning_hierarchy all potential planning trackers ($1) are already used by a planning configuration (see below). plugin_agiledashboard cannot_create_planning_config The potential planning trackers are computed out of $1 configuration and its hierarchy. plugin_agiledashboard planning_out_of_hierarchy This planning doesn't belong to root planning ($1) hierarchy. This configuration is not supported. You should remove this planning. plugin_agiledashboard planning_destination_help Use left arrow on item to move it on backlog or bottom/up arrow to rank items. plugin_agiledashboard planning_title Plannings plugin_agiledashboard planning_create Create a new planning plugin_agiledashboard planning_edit Edit plugin_agiledashboard planning_editing Edit planning: plugin_agiledashboard planning_name Name plugin_agiledashboard planning_backlog_title Backlog title plugin_agiledashboard planning_priority_change_permission Who can prioritize items? plugin_agiledashboard planning_plan_title Plan title plugin_agiledashboard planning-allows-assignment This planning allows assignment of $1 to $2 plugin_agiledashboard planning_all_fields_mandatory Planning name, backlog tracker and planning tracker are mandatory. plugin_agiledashboard planning_index Plannings plugin_agiledashboard planning_new New Planning plugin_agiledashboard planning_show View Planning plugin_agiledashboard kanban_show Kanban plugin_agiledashboard planning_artifact_new New plugin_agiledashboard planning_invalidconf_deletedtracker $1 configuration invalid: $2 tracker was deleted. Please update planning configuration. plugin_agiledashboard create_new_item_to_plan Create new $1 plugin_agiledashboard edit_item_dropdown Edit $1 plugin_agiledashboard edit_item Edit plugin_agiledashboard add_subitem Add new $1 plugin_agiledashboard backlog_add Add plugin_agiledashboard planning_pane_title Backlog/Planning plugin_agiledashboard content_pane_title Content plugin_agiledashboard planning Planning plugin_agiledashboard cardwall Cardwall plugin_agiledashboard open open plugin_agiledashboard closed closed plugin_agiledashboard no_milestone There are no milestones for this period plugin_agiledashboard project_backlog $1 backlog plugin_agiledashboard past Done plugin_agiledashboard now What's hot plugin_agiledashboard future What's next plugin_agiledashboard milestone_planning_pane_title $1 Planning plugin_agiledashboard access_to_planning Access to planning plugin_agiledashboard backlog_destination_help Use right arrow on item to move it to current milestone or bottom/up arrow to rank items. plugin_agiledashboard export_template Export the configuration plugin_agiledashboard import_template Import a configuration from a template file plugin_agiledashboard btn_import Import plugin_agiledashboard import_instructions You can import a whole Agile Dashboard configuration from an XML template. Tuleap provides a standard template. Alternatively, you can export the configuration of an existing project and re-use it here. plugin_agiledashboard export_failed Unable to export the configuration plugin_agiledashboard import_template_success The configuration has been successfully imported! plugin_agiledashboard cannot_import Unable to import the configuration! plugin_agiledashboard import_notes Note:
Importing a template will create new trackers. The import will not work if any existing tracker match those in the template plugin_agiledashboard planning_section Planning management plugin_agiledashboard import_export_section Import/Export plugin_agiledashboard general_settings_section General settings plugin_agiledashboard edit_action_label Edit plugin_agiledashboard delete_action_label Delete plugin_agiledashboard home_user_helper_done Milestones are "Done" when they have their status set to 'closed' as defined in their tracker's semantic. plugin_agiledashboard home_user_helper_others All milestones that have a status set to 'open' (as defined in their tracker's semantic) are either "Current" or "Next". The existence and values of their date fields (start_date and duration) decide in which tab(s) they appear. plugin_agiledashboard capacity Capacity: plugin_agiledashboard available Available $1 plugin_agiledashboard content_head_title Item plugin_agiledashboard content_head_points Initial Effort plugin_agiledashboard content_head_points_pane Initial Effort: plugin_agiledashboard content_head_parent Parent item plugin_agiledashboard content_head_type Type plugin_agiledashboard top_planning_link Top Backlog Planning plugin_agiledashboard display_five_more Display $1 more plugin_agiledashboard report_criteria_label In milestone plugin_agiledashboard error_on_inconsistencies_solving An error occurred while trying to solve inconsistencies. plugin_agiledashboard successful_inconsistencies_solving Inconsistencies successfully solved! plugin_agiledashboard nothing_set_up_generic The Agile Dashboard has not yet been configured by a project administrator. plugin_agiledashboard nothing_set_up_scrum_generic No Scrum has been yet configured by a project administrator. plugin_agiledashboard nothing_set_up_kanban_generic No Kanban has been yet configured by a project administrator. plugin_agiledashboard nothing_set_up_admin The Agile Dashboard has not yet been configured. plugin_agiledashboard nothing_set_up_admin_description Please choose between Scrum or Kanban layout below.
Don't worry, you will be able to change your mind and customize your configuration afterwards. plugin_agiledashboard nothing_set_up_scrum_admin No Scrum has been yet configured by a project administrator. Get Started! plugin_agiledashboard nothing_set_up_come_back Please come back later. plugin_agiledashboard start_kanban Start Kanban plugin_agiledashboard start_scrum Start Scrum plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane lab This is a lab feature that is subjected to change in a near future. Please get in touch with us to provide any feedback about this work in progress, thanks! plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane closed_items_title Closed $1 plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane closed_items_intro Please find below the items that are closed. You cannot change the priorities. plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane closed_items_nothing_yet Nothing closed yet plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane open_items_title Open $1 plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane open_items_title-no_more No more open $1, well done! plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane open_items_title-not_yet No $1 yet plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane open_items_title-not_yet-can_add No $1, start adding now plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane open_items_intro Here are the items that are still open. You can prioritize by drag 'n dropping them. plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane open_unplanned_items_intro Here are the items that are still open and unplanned. You can prioritize by drag 'n dropping them. plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane create_new_item Add a new item plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane create_new_specific_item Add a new $1 plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane create_new_item_help As per configuration, you can create and manage: $1. plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane initial_effort_warning There doesn't appear to be an Initial Effort semantic defined for the Tracker(s) $1! plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane inconsistent_items_title Inconsistent $1 plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane inconsistent_items_intro Here are the items that have been created inside a sub-milestone. You cannot change the priorities. plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane solve_inconsistencies Add them to current backlog plugin_agiledashboard_contentpane unsufficient_rights_for_ranking You are not allowed to rank on this planning. plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning help_intro This section allows to do $1 planning: plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning help_left On the left side, you have the $2 backlog with all open elements, not already scheduled for a $1. plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning help_left_top On the left side, you have the full backlog with all open elements, not already scheduled for a $1. plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning help_right On the right side, you have the list of $1 that belongs to $2. plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning help_right_top On the right side, you have the list of all $1. plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning help_dnd When you click on a $1, you see it's content and you can drag 'n' drop from $2 backlog to a $1 or from a $1 back to the backlog. plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning backlog_title $1 backlog plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning list_of_submilestone_title List of $1 in $2 plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning list_of_milestone_title List of $1 plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning header_status Status plugin_agiledashboard_milestone_planning empty_element_tip This element is empty, please drag anything here plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic initial_effort_label Initial Effort plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic initial_effort_description Define the initial effort of an artifact. plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic initial_effort_field

The initial effort of this tracker will be represented in the Agile Dashboard by the field $1.

plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic initial_effort_no_field

This tracker does not have an initial effort field yet.

plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic initial_effort_long_desc This is used in the Agile Dashboard if enabled. plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic initial_effort_impossible You cannot define the initial effort semantic since there aren't any numeric fields in the tracker plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic initial_effort_now The initial effort is now: $1 plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic bad_field_initial_effort The field you submitted is not a numeric field plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic unable_save_initial_effort Unable to save the initial effort plugin_agiledashboard_admin_semantic deleted_initial_effort Initial effort semantic has been unset plugin_agiledashboard config_title Configuration plugin_agiledashboard invalid_request The request is invalid. plugin_agiledashboard no_service_selected At least one service must be selected. plugin_agiledashboard tracker_used_in_scrum The selected tracker is already used in a planning. plugin_agiledashboard hierarchy_used_in_scrum The selected tracker is part of a hierarchy already used in a planning. plugin_agiledashboard config_submit_label Save plugin_agiledashboard title Title plugin_agiledashboard title_scrum_help This will be used to identify the Scrum section from the Agile Dashboard homepage. plugin_agiledashboard title_kanban_help This will be used to identify the Kanban section from the Agile Dashboard homepage. plugin_agiledashboard activate_kanban_label Activate Kanban plugin_agiledashboard activate_scrum_label Activate Scrum plugin_agiledashboard scrum_activated_label Scrum is currently active. plugin_agiledashboard scrum_not_activated_label Scrum is not currently active. plugin_agiledashboard kanban_activated_label Kanban is currently active. plugin_agiledashboard kanban_not_activated_label Kanban is not currently active. plugin_agiledashboard first_kanban_will_be_created A first Kanban will be created during the activation. This operation can take a few seconds. plugin_agiledashboard first_scrum_will_be_created A first scrum configuration will be used during the activation. This operation can take a few seconds. plugin_agiledashboard kanban_label Kanban plugin_agiledashboard scrum_label Scrum plugin_agiledashboard all_label Scrum and Kanban plugin_agiledashboard kanban_activated Kanban successfully activated. plugin_agiledashboard scrum_activated Scrum successfully activated. plugin_agiledashboard all_activated Scrum and Kanban successfully activated. plugin_agiledashboard scrum_title_changed Scrum title successfully modified. plugin_agiledashboard scrum_title_empty Scrum title is empty. plugin_agiledashboard kanban_title_changed Kanban title successfully modified. plugin_agiledashboard kanban_title_empty Kanban title is empty. plugin_agiledashboard add_kanban Add a kanban plugin_agiledashboard btn_close_label Close plugin_agiledashboard btn_add_modal_label Create plugin_agiledashboard kanban_name_label Kanban name: plugin_agiledashboard tracker_kanban_label Select the source tracker: plugin_agiledashboard add_kanban_modal_title Create a kanban plugin_agiledashboard kanban_created Kanban $1 successfully created. plugin_agiledashboard kanban_creation_error Error while creating Kanban $1. plugin_agiledashboard kanban_tracker_used Tracker already used by another Kanban. plugin_agiledashboard no_tracker_selected No tracker has been selected. plugin_agiledashboard no_tracker_available No tracker is available. plugin_agiledashboard kanban_not_found Kanban not found. plugin_agiledashboard content_not_found Content not found. plugin_agiledashboard Milestone Milestone plugin_agiledashboard_first_kanban error_existing_tracker We tried to create a first kanban for you but an existing tracker ($1) prevented it. plugin_agiledashboard_first_kanban internal_error We tried to create a first kanban for you but an internal error prevented it. plugin_agiledashboard_first_kanban created We created a first kanban for you. Enjoy! plugin_agiledashboard_first_scrum error_existing_tracker We tried to create an initial scrum configuration for you but an existing tracker ($1) prevented it. plugin_agiledashboard_first_scrum internal_error We tried to create an initial scrum configuration for you but an internal error prevented it. plugin_agiledashboard_first_scrum created We created an initial scrum configuration for you. Enjoy!