#!/usr/bin/php -q ************************************************************************************************************** * Usage: php [-h|-i|-a [OPTIONS]] * Install Openfire Jabber server and configure it to integrate with Codendi. * * Mandatory arguments: * -h Show this help message. * OR * -i Execute in interactive mode and guide the user through the installation proccess. * OR * -a [OPTIONS] Execute in automatic mode. * Mandatory arguments for automatic mode: * -orp Root password for Openfire's DB server. * -uod Username Openfire will use to access its DB. * -pod Password for this user. * -ucd Username Openfire will use to access Codendi's DB. * -pcd Password for this user. * -odb Openfire's DB complete JDBC URL (eg: jdbc:mysql://:/). * -cdb Codendi's DB complete JDBC URL (eg: jdbc:mysql://:/). * -ouri Openfire server URI (used by clients to connect to the server). * -gjx Codendi group of the IM admins. * -ujx Default JabbeX user's username (must be a member of the gjx). * -pjx Password for this user. * -pmuc Password for managing the MUC services. * * Optional arguments for automatic mode: * -dir Openfire's installation directory (default: /opt/openfire). * -etcdir Openfire's installation directory (default: /etc/codendi/plugins/IM/etc/). * -ap Unsecure web admin port (default: 9090). * -aps Secure web admin port (default: 9091). * -odd Openfire's DB driver (default: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver). * -cdd Codendi's DB driver (default: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver). * -fdn Forge Database Name (default: codendi). * -op Jabber port (default: 5222). * -hbot Helga bot username (default: bot). * -hsv Helga service identifier (default: helga). * -shrg Activate shared group management [0|1] (default: 1). * -rdb Root username for DB servers (default: root). **************************************************************************************************************