os: Visual Studio 2013 environment: CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE: 1 ruby_version: 22-x64 TargetPath: sassc/bin/sassc matrix: - Compiler: msvc Config: Release - Compiler: msvc Config: Debug - Compiler: mingw Build: static - Compiler: mingw Build: shared cache: - C:\Ruby%ruby_version%\lib\ruby\gems - C:\mingw64 install: - git clone https://github.com/sass/sassc.git - git clone https://github.com/sass/sass-spec.git - set PATH=C:\Ruby%ruby_version%\bin;%PATH% - ps: | if(!(gem which minitest 2>$nul)) { gem install minitest --no-ri --no-rdoc } if ($env:Compiler -eq "mingw" -AND -Not (Test-Path "C:\mingw64")) { # Install MinGW. $file = "x86_64-4.9.2-release-win32-seh-rt_v4-rev3.7z" wget https://bintray.com/artifact/download/drewwells/generic/$file -OutFile $file &7z x -oC:\ $file > $null } - set PATH=C:\mingw64\bin;%PATH% - set CC=gcc build_script: - ps: | if ($env:Compiler -eq "mingw") { mingw32-make -j4 sassc } else { msbuild /m:4 /p:Configuration=$env:Config sassc\win\sassc.sln } # print the branding art mv script/branding script/branding.ps1 script/branding.ps1 # print the version info &$env:TargetPath -v ruby -v test_script: - ps: | $PRNR = $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER if ($PRNR) { echo "Fetching info for PR $PRNR" wget https://api.github.com/repos/sass/libsass/pulls/$PRNR -OutFile pr.json $json = cat pr.json -Raw $SPEC_PR = [regex]::match($json,'sass\/sass-spec(#|\/pull\/)([0-9]+)').Groups[2].Value if ($SPEC_PR) { echo "Checkout sass spec PR $SPEC_PR" git -C sass-spec fetch -q -u origin pull/$SPEC_PR/head:ci-spec-pr-$SPEC_PR git -C sass-spec checkout -q --force ci-spec-pr-$SPEC_PR } } ruby sass-spec/sass-spec.rb -V 3.4 --probe-todo --impl libsass -c $env:TargetPath -s sass-spec/spec if(-not($?)) { echo "sass-spec tests failed" exit 1 } Write-Host "Explicitly testing the case when cwd has Cyrillic characters: " -nonewline # See comments in gh-1774 for details. $env:TargetPath = Join-Path $pwd.Path $env:TargetPath cd sass-spec/spec/libsass/Sáss-UŢF8/ &$env:TargetPath ./input.scss 2>&1>$null if(-not($?)) { echo "Failed!" exit 1 } else { echo "Success!" }