---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current active commiters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- People with at least one commit since 1 year: Christan Bayle Dylan Bowden Yoann Celton Benjamin Dauton Mohamed Amine Doghri Sandra Echinard Anthony Gauchy Martin Goyot Raphaël Hertzog Ahmed Hosni Hugo Kelfani Savinien Richter Yannis Rossetto Nicolas Terray Nouha Terzi Manuel Vacelet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous contributors, no longer active commiters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hatem Ounis Sebastien Nicoulaud Johan Martinsson Gregory Salvan Nicolas Guérin Marc Nazarian Sabri Labbene Mahmoud Maalej Mohamed Chaari Patrice Karatchenzeff Stéphane Bouhet Thierry Jacquin Laurent Julliard Jim Mayer Marie-Luise Schneider John Stidd Vicki Tuttle Anne Hardyau Dan Bressler Quentin Cregan Tim Perdue Uriah Welcome Tony Guntharp Drew Streib Matthew Snelham Darrell Brogdon Patrick McGovern David HM Spector Loic Dachary Wallace Lee William K. Hardeman Michael Renzmann Sebastien Delaire Bil Simser Joe Utting Peter Schuller Uwe Hermann Eduardo Blanco Rik Faith Lion Templin Larry Augustin Brian Biles John Hall Steve Westmoreland Chris DiBona Dan Bressler Joe Arruda Jeff Ritter Patrick Wong Neil Doane Rob Walker Robert Flemming Michael Turner Garrett LeSage John Goebel Kit Cosper Eureka Endo Kevin Collins Steve Schaefer Greg Pryzby Adam Frey James Byers Thanks to http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ for somes nice icons under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any others whose names we probably forgot to add (email us and we'll put you in here) And hundreds of employess and customers who have contributed patches, bug report and fixes, new feature requests,etc.