from pkg_resources import resource_filename import re import time import datetime import dbhelper from usermanual import * from trac.log import logger_factory from trac.core import * from trac.web import IRequestHandler from trac.perm import IPermissionRequestor from trac.util import Markup from import add_stylesheet, add_script, \ INavigationContributor, ITemplateProvider from trac.web.href import Href from reportmanager import CustomReportManager from statuses import get_statuses import datetime import trac.util.datefmt import reports #get_statuses = api.get_statuses class TimingEstimationAndBillingPage(Component): implements(IPermissionRequestor, INavigationContributor, IRequestHandler, ITemplateProvider) def __init__(self): pass # IPermissionRequestor methods def get_permission_actions(self): return ["TIME_VIEW", "TIME_RECORD", ("TIME_ADMIN", ["TIME_RECORD", "TIME_VIEW"])] def set_bill_date(self, username="Timing and Estimation Plugin", when=None): now = trac.util.datefmt.to_datetime(None)#get now if not when: when = now strwhen = "%s-%s-%s %#02d:%#02d:%#02d" % \ (when.year, when.month,, when.hour,when.minute, when.second) sql = """ INSERT INTO bill_date (time, set_when, str_value) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) """ dbhelper.execute_non_query(self.env, sql, trac.util.datefmt.to_timestamp(when), trac.util.datefmt.to_timestamp(now), strwhen) # INavigationContributor methods def get_active_navigation_item(self, req): val ='/billing$', req.path_info) if val and val.start() == 0: return "billing" else: return "" def get_navigation_items(self, req): url = req.href.billing() if req.perm.has_permission("TIME_VIEW"): yield 'mainnav', "billing", \ Markup('%s' % \ (url , "Time Reports")) # IRequestHandler methods def set_request_billing_dates(self, data): billing_dates = [] billing_time_sql = """ SELECT DISTINCT time as value, str_value as text FROM bill_date ORDER BY time DESC """ rs = dbhelper.get_result_set(self.env, billing_time_sql) if rs: for (value, text) in rs.rows: billing_info = {'text':text , 'value':value*1000*1000} billing_dates.extend([billing_info]) #self.log.debug("bill-dates: %s"%billing_dates) data['billing_info']["billdates"] = billing_dates def match_request(self, req): val ='/billing$', req.path_info) return val and val.start() == 0 def process_request(self, req): messages = [] req.perm.require("TIME_VIEW") def addMessage(s): messages.extend([s]); if req.method == 'POST': req.perm.require("TIME_VIEW") if req.args.has_key('setbillingtime'): self.set_bill_date(req.authname) addMessage("All tickets last bill date updated") mgr = CustomReportManager(self.env, self.log) data = {}; data["is_time_admin"] = req.perm.has_permission("TIME_ADMIN") data["statuses"] = get_statuses(self.env) data["reports"] = mgr.get_reports_by_group(CustomReportManager.TimingAndEstimationKey); # Handle pulling in report_descriptions # Could be added to custom report stuff, but that requires # coordinating with too many people for me to care right now report_descriptions = {} for h in reports.all_reports: report_descriptions[h["title"]] = h["description"] for key in data["reports"]: if report_descriptions.has_key(key): data["reports"][key]["description"] = report_descriptions[key] #self.log.debug("DEBUG got %s, %s" % (data["reports"], type(data["reports"]))); data["billing_info"] = {"messages": messages, "href": req.href.billing(), "report_base_href":, "usermanual_href":, "usermanual_title": user_manual_title } self.set_request_billing_dates(data) add_stylesheet(req, "billing/billingplugin.css") add_script(req, "billing/date.js") add_script(req, "billing/linkifyer.js") return 'billing.html', data, None # ITemplateProvider def get_htdocs_dirs(self): """Return the absolute path of a directory containing additional static resources (such as images, style sheets, etc). """ return [('billing', resource_filename(__name__, 'htdocs'))] def get_templates_dirs(self): """Return the absolute path of the directory containing the provided genshi templates. """ rtn = [resource_filename(__name__, 'templates')] return rtn