from datetime import datetime as dt import time from utils import mail import adw_tracdb as db #defaultUrl= "" _defaultUrl= "" _htmlLocation = '/var/BigVisibleCharts/Billing' def cond ( boolExpr, trueResult, falseResult ): """ This is the classic ?: operator from languages like C expressed in python (from dive into python) """ return (boolExpr and [trueResult] or [falseResult])[0] def accumulator(): var = [0] def fn(*params): for param in params: var[0] = var[0] + param return var[0] return fn def progn(*params): return params[-1] def prinTrue(s): print s return True def wn (name, attribs, *children): return "<%s %s>\n%s\n\n" % \ (name, \ ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (key, val) for (key, val) in attribs.items()]), \ '\n'.join([str(c) for c in children]), \ name) def ticket_link (number, projUrl): return wn('a' , {'href':'/'.join([projUrl,'ticket' ,str(number)])}, "#"+str(number)) def milestone_link (name, projUrl): name = str(name) return wn('a' , {'href':'/'.join([projUrl,'milestone' ,name])}, name) def make_project_output(project, rs, totalAcc): projAcc = accumulator() projLink = '/'.join([_defaultUrl, project ]) def make_cell(idx, val): if(idx == rs.columnMap['ticket']): val = ticket_link(val, projLink) elif idx == rs.columnMap['milestone'] and val != ' ': val = milestone_link(val, projLink) elif idx == rs.columnMap['hours']: projAcc(float(val)) totalAcc(float(val)) return wn('td', {}, val) return progn(wn('div', {}, wn('h2', {}, wn('a',{'href':projLink},project)), wn('table', {"cellspacing":"0", "border":"1", "cellpadding":"3"}, wn('tr', {}, *[wn('th',{}, name) for name in rs.columnNames]), *[wn('tr', {}, *[make_cell(idx, val) for idx in range(0, len(row)) for val in [row[idx]]]) for row in rs.rows]), wn('span',{}, "Total: "+str(projAcc())))) def make_all_projects_output(): totalAcc = accumulator() sql = """ SELECT CASE WHEN t.milestone IS NOT NULL and t.milestone <> '' THEN t.milestone ELSE ' ' END as milestone, as ticket, SUM(newvalue) as hours, t.summary as summary, strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', MAX(ticket_change.time), 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as [most-recent-update] , (SELECT CASE WHEN MAX(time) IS NOT NULL THEN strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', MAX(time), 'unixepoch', 'localtime') ELSE 'No previous bill date' END as time FROM bill_date ) as [previous-bill-date] FROM ticket as t LEFT JOIN ticket_custom as billable on billable.ticket = AND = 'billable' JOIN ticket_change on = ticket_change.ticket AND ( ticket_change.time > (SELECT CASE WHEN MAX(time) IS NOT NULL THEN MAX(time) ELSE 0 END as time FROM bill_date ) ) WHERE ticket_change.field = 'hours' AND billable.value=1 GROUP BY t.milestone, """ billingInfo = db.collectResultsFromAllTracs(sql); projects_output = '\n'.join([make_project_output(project, rs, totalAcc) for (project, rs) in billingInfo if rs.rows ]) return wn('html', {}, wn('head', {}), wn('body', {}, projects_output, wn('span',{},"Total hours billed: "+str(totalAcc())))) def save_output_to_file(output, when=0): if not when: when = fname = '_'.join(["billing", str(when.year), str(when.month), str(, str(when.hour), str(when.minute), ".html"]) p = "/".join([_htmlLocation, fname]) print "----" print "Writing out billing information to '%s'" % p print "----" f = open(p, "w") f.write(output) f.close(); def run_billing(emails="", when=0): if not when: when = date = '/'.join([str(when.month), str(, str(when.year)]) print "Collecting output..." output = make_all_projects_output() save_output_to_file(output, when) print "Emailing results to %s" % emails if emails: mail.mail(emails, 'Trac Billing - %s ' % date, output, html=True, fromEmail='') return output def add_bill_date(project, username="Timing and Estimation Plugin", when=0): now = time.time() if not when: when = now when = int(when) now = int(now) sql = """ INSERT INTO bill_date (time, set_when, str_value) VALUES (?, ?, strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',?, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')) """ db.executeNonQuery(project, sql, when, now, when) def mark_billing_date_in_all_projects(when=0 ): print "Marking the bill date on all projects." if not when: when = time.time() for project in db.projects: try: add_bill_date(project, "Timing and Estimation Plugin", when); print "%s Succeeded." % project except Exception, e: print "* %s failed: %s" % (project , e.args) print "Done marking bill dates"