# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2007 Dalius Dobravolskas # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed using the same licence as Trac: # http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense. # # Author: Dalius Dobravolskas # # Most probably you will want to add following lines to your configuration file: # # [components] # trac.web.auth.* = disabled # authopenid.* = enabled import pkg_resources import cgi import cPickle import re import time from trac.core import * from trac.config import Option, BoolOption, IntOption from trac.web.chrome import INavigationContributor, ITemplateProvider, add_stylesheet, add_script from trac.env import IEnvironmentSetupParticipant from trac.web.main import IRequestHandler, IAuthenticator from trac.web.session import DetachedSession try: from acct_mgr.web_ui import LoginModule except ImportError: from trac.web.auth import LoginModule from genshi.builder import tag from trac.util import hex_entropy from openid.store.sqlstore import MySQLStore, PostgreSQLStore, SQLiteStore from openid.store.memstore import MemoryStore from openid.consumer import consumer from openid.extensions import sreg, pape, ax from openid import oidutil import socket import struct import urllib try: import simplejson # Necessary only for check_list option. Because of that it might be not installed by default except ImportError: pass class OpenIdLogger: """ Log all OpenID messages to debug. """ def __init__(self, env): self.env = env def __call__(self, message, level=0): self.env.log.debug(message) class AuthOpenIdPlugin(Component): openid_session_key = 'openid_session_data' openid_session_identity_url_key = 'openid_session_identity_url_data' implements(INavigationContributor, IRequestHandler, ITemplateProvider, IAuthenticator, IEnvironmentSetupParticipant) connection_uri = Option('trac', 'database', 'sqlite:db/trac.db', """Database connection [wiki:TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings string] for this project""") check_ip = BoolOption('trac', 'check_auth_ip', 'true', """Whether the IP address of the user should be checked for authentication (''since 0.9'').""") check_ip_mask = Option('trac', 'check_auth_ip_mask', '', """What mask should be applied to user address.""") trac_auth_expires = IntOption('trac', 'expires', 60*60*24, """Specify how fast authentication expires.""") timeout = BoolOption('openid', 'timeout', False, """Specify if expiration time should act as timeout.""") default_openid = Option('openid', 'default_openid', None, """Default OpenID provider for directed identity.""") strip_protocol = BoolOption('openid', 'strip_protocol', False, """Instead of using username beginning with http:// or https:// you can strip the beginning.""") strip_trailing_slash = BoolOption('openid', 'strip_trailing_slash', False, """In case your OpenID is some sub-domain address OpenId library adds trailing slash. This option strips it.""") sreg_required = BoolOption('openid', 'sreg_required', 'false', """Whether SREG data should be required or optional.""") combined_username = BoolOption('openid', 'combined_username', False, """ Username will be written as username_in_remote_system . """) pape_method = Option('openid', 'pape_method', None, """Default PAPE method to request from OpenID provider.""") signup_link = Option('openid', 'signup', 'http://openid.net/get/', """Signup link""") whatis_link = Option('openid', 'whatis', 'http://openid.net/what/', """What is OpenId link.""") absolute_trust_root = BoolOption('openid', 'absolute_trust_root', 'true', """Whether we should use absolute trust root or by project.""") white_list = Option('openid', 'white_list', '', """Comma separated list of allowed OpenId addresses.""") black_list = Option('openid', 'black_list', '', """Comma separated list of denied OpenId addresses.""") email_white_list = Option('openid', 'email_white_list', '', """Comma separated list of allowed users, using the resolved SREG/AX email address. Use in combination with trusted identity patterns in white_list.""") check_list = Option('openid', 'check_list', None, """JSON service for openid check.""") check_list_key = Option('openid', 'check_list_key', 'check_list', """Key for openid Service.""") check_list_username = Option('openid', 'check_list_username', None, """Username for openid Service.""") providers = Option('openid', 'providers', [], """Explicit set of provider names to display. E.g: google, yahoo, ...""") custom_provider_name = Option('openid', 'custom_provider_name', None, """ Custom OpenId provider name. """) custom_provider_label = Option('openid', 'custom_provider_label', 'Enter your username', """ Custom OpenId provider label. """) custom_provider_url = Option('openid', 'custom_provider_url', '', """ Custom OpenId provider URL. E.g.: http://claimid.com/{username} """) custom_provider_image = Option('openid', 'custom_provider_image', '', """ Custom OpenId provider image. """) custom_provider_size = Option('openid', 'custom_provider_size', 'small', """ Custom OpenId provider image size (small or large).""") def _get_masked_address(self, address): if self.check_ip: mask = struct.unpack('>L', socket.inet_aton(self.check_ip_mask))[0] address = struct.unpack('>L', socket.inet_aton(address))[0] return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>L', address & mask)) return address def generate_re_list(self, list_in_string): """ Generates list of compiled regular expressions from given comma-separated list in string. """ generated_list = [] if list_in_string: for item in list_in_string.split(','): item = item.strip() item = re.escape(item) item = '^' + item.replace('\*', '.*') + '$' generated_list.append(re.compile(item)) self.env.log.debug("Item compiled: %s" % item) return generated_list def __init__(self): db = self.env.get_db_cnx() oidutil.log = OpenIdLogger(self.env) self.env.log.debug("Compiling white-list") self.re_white_list = self.generate_re_list(self.white_list) self.env.log.debug("Compiling black-list") self.re_black_list = self.generate_re_list(self.black_list) self.env.log.debug("Compiling email white-list") self.re_email_white_list = self.generate_re_list(self.email_white_list) self.providers_regexp = '.' if self.providers: self.providers_regexp = '^(' + str.join('|', re.split(' *, *', self.providers)) + ')$' def _getStore(self, db): scheme, rest = self.connection_uri.split(':', 1) if scheme == 'mysql': return MySQLStore(db.cnx.cnx) elif scheme == 'postgres': return PostgreSQLStore(db.cnx.cnx) elif scheme == 'sqlite': return SQLiteStore(db.cnx.cnx) else: return MemoryStore() def _initStore(self, db): store = self._getStore(db) if type(store) is not MemoryStore: store.createTables() # IEnvironmentSetupParticipant methods def environment_created(self): db = self.env.get_db_cnx() self._initStore(db) db.commit() def environment_needs_upgrade(self, db): c = db.cursor() try: c.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM oid_associations") return False except Exception, e: db.rollback() return True def upgrade_environment(self, db): self._initStore(db) # IAuthenticator methods def authenticate(self, req): authname = None if req.remote_user: authname = req.remote_user self.env.log.debug('authenticate. remote_user: %s' % authname) elif req.incookie.has_key('trac_auth'): authname = self._get_name_for_cookie(req, req.incookie['trac_auth']) self.env.log.debug('authenticate. cookie: %s' % authname) if not authname: self.env.log.debug('No OpenId authenticated user.') return None authname = authname.lower() return authname # INavigationContributor methods def get_active_navigation_item(self, req): return 'openidlogin' def get_navigation_items(self, req): if req.authname and req.authname != 'anonymous': if not self.env.is_component_enabled(LoginModule): yield ('metanav', 'openidlogin', 'logged in as %s' % (req.session.get('name') or req.authname)) yield ('metanav', 'openidlogout', tag.a('Logout', href=req.href.openidlogout())) else: yield ('metanav', 'openidlogin', tag.a(('OpenID Login'), href=req.href.openidlogin())) # IRequestHandler methods def match_request(self, req): return re.match('/(openidlogin|openidverify|openidprocess|openidlogout)\??.*', req.path_info) def process_request(self, req): if req.path_info.startswith('/openidlogin'): return self._do_login(req) elif req.path_info.startswith('/openidverify'): return self._do_verify(req) elif req.path_info.startswith('/openidprocess'): return self._do_process(req) elif req.path_info.startswith('/openidlogout'): return self._do_logout(req) def _do_login(self, req): # check the referer referer = req.get_header('Referer') if referer and not (referer == req.base_url or referer.startswith(req.base_url.rstrip('/')+'/')): # only redirect to referer if it is from the same site referer = None if referer: req.session['oid.referer'] = referer if self.default_openid: req.args['openid_identifier'] = self.default_openid return self._do_verify(req) add_stylesheet(req, 'authopenid/css/openid.css') add_script(req, 'authopenid/js/openid-jquery.js') return 'openidlogin.html', { 'images': req.href.chrome('authopenid/images') + '/', 'action': req.href.openidverify(), 'message': 'Login using OpenID.', 'signup': self.signup_link, 'whatis': self.whatis_link, 'css_class': 'error', 'providers_regexp': self.providers_regexp, 'custom_provider_name': self.custom_provider_name, 'custom_provider_label': self.custom_provider_label, 'custom_provider_url': self.custom_provider_url, 'custom_provider_image': self.custom_provider_image, 'custom_provider_size': self.custom_provider_size, }, None def _get_session(self, req): """Returns a session dict that can store any kind of object.""" try: return cPickle.loads(str(req.session[self.openid_session_key])) except KeyError: return {} def _get_trust_root(self, req): href = req.href() abs_href = self.env.abs_href() self.env.log.debug('_get_trust_root href: ' + href) self.env.log.debug('_get_trust_root abs_href: ' + abs_href) if href and abs_href.endswith(href): base_url = abs_href[:-len(href)] else: base_url = abs_href return base_url def _commit_session(self, session, req): req.session[self.openid_session_key] = str(cPickle.dumps(session)) def _get_consumer(self, req, db): s = self._get_session(req) if 'id' not in s: s['id'] = req.session.sid store = self._getStore(db) return consumer.Consumer(s, store), s def _do_verify(self, req): """Process the form submission, initating OpenID verification. """ # First, make sure that the user entered something openid_url = req.args.get('openid_identifier') add_stylesheet(req, 'authopenid/css/openid.css') add_script(req, 'authopenid/js/openid-jquery.js') if not openid_url: return 'openidlogin.html', { 'images': req.href.chrome('authopenid/images') + '/', 'action': req.href.openidverify(), 'message': 'Enter an OpenID Identifier to verify.', 'signup': self.signup_link, 'whatis': self.whatis_link, 'css_class': 'error', 'providers_regexp': self.providers_regexp, 'custom_provider_name': self.custom_provider_name, 'custom_provider_label': self.custom_provider_label, 'custom_provider_url': self.custom_provider_url, 'custom_provider_image': self.custom_provider_image, 'custom_provider_size': self.custom_provider_size, }, None immediate = 'immediate' in req.args db = self.env.get_db_cnx() oidconsumer, session = self._get_consumer(req, db) try: self.env.log.debug('beginning OpenID authentication.') request = oidconsumer.begin(openid_url) except consumer.DiscoveryFailure, exc: fetch_error_string = 'Error in discovery: %s' % ( cgi.escape(str(exc[0]))) return 'openidlogin.html', { 'images': req.href.chrome('authopenid/images') + '/', 'action': req.href.openidverify(), 'message': fetch_error_string, 'signup': self.signup_link, 'whatis': self.whatis_link, 'css_class': 'error', 'providers_regexp': self.providers_regexp, 'custom_provider_name': self.custom_provider_name, 'custom_provider_label': self.custom_provider_label, 'custom_provider_url': self.custom_provider_url, 'custom_provider_image': self.custom_provider_image, 'custom_provider_size': self.custom_provider_size, }, None else: if request is None: msg = 'No OpenID services found for %s' % ( cgi.escape(openid_url),) return 'openidlogin.html', { 'images': req.href.chrome('authopenid/images') + '/', 'action': req.href.openidverify(), 'message': msg, 'signup': self.signup_link, 'whatis': self.whatis_link, 'css_class': 'error', 'providers_regexp': self.providers_regexp, 'custom_provider_name': self.custom_provider_name, 'custom_provider_label': self.custom_provider_label, 'custom_provider_url': self.custom_provider_url, 'custom_provider_image': self.custom_provider_image, 'custom_provider_size': self.custom_provider_size, }, None else: self._commit_session(session, req) # Then, ask the library to begin the authorization. # Here we find out the identity server that will verify the # user's identity, and get a token that allows us to # communicate securely with the identity server. requested_policies = [] if self.pape_method: requested_policies.append(self.pape_method) pape_method = req.args.get('pape_method') if pape_method: requested_policies.append(pape_method) if requested_policies: pape_request = pape.Request(requested_policies) request.addExtension(pape_request) # Let the sreg policy be configurable sreg_opt = [] sreg_req = [] sreg_fields = ['fullname', 'email'] if self.sreg_required: sreg_req = sreg_fields else: sreg_opt = sreg_fields sreg_request = sreg.SRegRequest(optional=sreg_opt, required=sreg_req) request.addExtension(sreg_request) ax_request = ax.FetchRequest() attr_info = ax.AttrInfo('http://schema.openid.net/contact/email', required=True) ax_request.add(attr_info) request.addExtension(ax_request) trust_root = self._get_trust_root(req) if self.absolute_trust_root: trust_root += '/' else: trust_root += req.href() return_to = self._get_trust_root(req) + req.href.openidprocess() if request.shouldSendRedirect(): redirect_url = request.redirectURL( trust_root, return_to, immediate=immediate) self.env.log.debug('Redirecting to: %s' % redirect_url) req.redirect(redirect_url) else: form_html = request.formMarkup( trust_root, return_to, form_tag_attrs={'id':'openid_message'}, immediate=immediate) return 'autosubmitform.html', { 'id': 'openid_message', 'form': form_html }, None def _do_process(self, req): """Handle the redirect from the OpenID server. """ db = self.env.get_db_cnx() oidconsumer, session = self._get_consumer(req, db) # Ask the library to check the response that the server sent # us. Status is a code indicating the response type. info is # either None or a string containing more information about # the return type. info = oidconsumer.complete(req.args,req.args['openid.return_to']) css_class = 'error' if info.status == consumer.FAILURE and info.identity_url: # In the case of failure, if info is non-None, it is the # URL that we were verifying. We include it in the error # message to help the user figure out what happened. fmt = "Verification of %s failed: %s" message = fmt % (cgi.escape(info.identity_url), info.message) elif info.status == consumer.SUCCESS: # Success means that the transaction completed without # error. If info is None, it means that the user cancelled # the verification. css_class = 'alert' # This is a successful verification attempt. If this # was a real application, we would do our login, # comment posting, etc. here. fmt = "You have successfully verified %s as your identity." message = fmt % (cgi.escape(info.identity_url),) remote_user = info.identity_url reg_info = None ax_response = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(info) if ax_response: ax_data = ax_response.getExtensionArgs() email = ax_data.get('value.ext0.1', '') if email: reg_info = {'email': email, 'fullname': email.split('@', 1)[0].replace('.', ' ').title()} if not reg_info: response = sreg.SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(info) if response: reg_info = response.getExtensionArgs() if self.strip_protocol: remote_user = remote_user[remote_user.find('://')+3:] if self.strip_trailing_slash and remote_user[-1] == '/': remote_user = remote_user[:-1] if info.endpoint.canonicalID: # You should authorize i-name users by their canonicalID, # rather than their more human-friendly identifiers. That # way their account with you is not compromised if their # i-name registration expires and is bought by someone else. message += (" This is an i-name, and its persistent ID is %s" % (cgi.escape(info.endpoint.canonicalID),)) remote_user = info.endpoint.canonicalID email = reg_info is not None and reg_info.has_key('email') and len(reg_info['email']) and reg_info['email'] allowed = True if self.re_white_list: self.env.log.debug("Filtering REMOTE_USER '%s' through white-list." % remote_user) allowed = False for item in self.re_white_list: if not allowed and item.match(remote_user): allowed = True self.env.log.debug("User white-listed.") if allowed and self.re_black_list: self.env.log.debug("Filtering REMOTE_USER '%s' through black-list." % remote_user) for item in self.re_black_list: if item.match(remote_user): allowed = False self.env.log.debug("User black-listed.") if allowed and email and self.re_email_white_list: self.env.log.debug("Filtering email '%s' through email white-list." % email) allowed = False for item in self.re_email_white_list: if not allowed and item.match(email): allowed = True self.env.log.debug("User email white-listed.") if allowed and self.check_list: params = {self.check_list_key: remote_user} if reg_info and email: params['email'] = email url = self.check_list + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params) self.env.log.debug('OpenID check list URL: %s' % url) result = simplejson.load(urllib.urlopen(url)) if not result[self.check_list_key]: allowed = False elif self.check_list_username: new_user = result[self.check_list_username] if new_user: remote_user = new_user if allowed: cookie = hex_entropy() req.outcookie['trac_auth'] = cookie req.outcookie['trac_auth']['path'] = req.href() req.outcookie['trac_auth']['expires'] = self.trac_auth_expires req.session[self.openid_session_identity_url_key] = info.identity_url if reg_info and reg_info.has_key('fullname') and len(reg_info['fullname']) > 0: req.session['name'] = reg_info['fullname'] if reg_info and email: req.session['email'] = email self._commit_session(session, req) if self.combined_username and req.session['name']: remote_user = '%s <%s>' % (req.session['name'], remote_user) else: if req.session.has_key('name'): remote_user = req.session['name'] # Check if we generated a colliding remote_user and make the user unique collisions = 0 cremote_user = remote_user while True: ds = DetachedSession(self.env, remote_user) if not ds.has_key(self.openid_session_identity_url_key): # Old session, without the identity url set # Save the identity url then (bascially adopt the session) ds[self.openid_session_identity_url_key] = info.identity_url ds.save() break if ds[self.openid_session_identity_url_key] == info.identity_url: # No collision break # We got us a collision # Make the thing unique collisions += 1 remote_user = "%s (%d)" % (cremote_user, collisions+1) req.authname = remote_user db = self.env.get_db_cnx() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO auth_cookie (cookie,name,ipnr,time) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (cookie, remote_user, self._get_masked_address(req.remote_addr), int(time.time()))) db.commit() req.redirect(req.session.get('oid.referer') or self.env.abs_href()) else: message = 'You are not allowed here.' elif info.status == consumer.CANCEL: # cancelled message = 'Verification cancelled' elif info.status == consumer.SETUP_NEEDED: if info.setup_url: message = 'Setup needed' % ( quoteattr(info.setup_url),) else: # This means auth didn't succeed, but you're welcome to try # non-immediate mode. message = 'Setup needed' else: # Either we don't understand the code or there is no # openid_url included with the error. Give a generic # failure message. The library should supply debug # information in a log. message = 'Verification failed.' self._commit_session(session, req) add_stylesheet(req, 'authopenid/css/openid.css') add_script(req, 'authopenid/js/openid-jquery.js') return 'openidlogin.html', { 'images': req.href.chrome('authopenid/images') + '/', 'action': req.href.openidverify(), 'message': message, 'signup': self.signup_link, 'whatis': self.whatis_link, 'css_class': css_class, 'providers_regexp': self.providers_regexp, 'custom_provider_name': self.custom_provider_name, 'custom_provider_label': self.custom_provider_label, 'custom_provider_url': self.custom_provider_url, 'custom_provider_image': self.custom_provider_image, 'custom_provider_size': self.custom_provider_size, }, None # ITemplateProvider methods def get_htdocs_dirs(self): return [('authopenid', pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'htdocs'))] def get_templates_dirs(self): return [pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'templates')] def _do_logout(self, req): """Log the user out. Simply deletes the corresponding record from the auth_cookie table. """ if req.authname == 'anonymous': # Not logged in req.redirect(self.env.abs_href()) # While deleting this cookie we also take the opportunity to delete # cookies older than trac_auth_expires db = self.env.get_db_cnx() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM auth_cookie WHERE name=%s OR time < %s", (req.authname, int(time.time()) - self.trac_auth_expires)) db.commit() self._expire_cookie(req) custom_redirect = self.config['metanav'].get('logout.redirect') if custom_redirect: if custom_redirect.startswith('/'): custom_redirect = req.href(custom_redirect) req.redirect(custom_redirect) req.redirect(self.env.abs_href()) def _expire_cookie(self, req): """Instruct the user agent to drop the auth cookie by setting the "expires" property to a date in the past. """ req.outcookie['trac_auth'] = '' req.outcookie['trac_auth']['path'] = req.href() req.outcookie['trac_auth']['expires'] = -10000 self.env.log.debug('trac_auth cookie expired.') def _get_name_for_cookie(self, req, cookie): db = self.env.get_db_cnx() cursor = db.cursor() if self.check_ip: cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM auth_cookie " "WHERE cookie=%s AND ipnr=%s", (cookie.value, self._get_masked_address(req.remote_addr))) else: cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM auth_cookie WHERE cookie=%s", (cookie.value,)) row = cursor.fetchone() if not row: # The cookie is invalid but we don't expire it because it might # be generated by different trac authentication mechanism. return None elif self.timeout: cursor.execute("UPDATE auth_cookie SET time=%s " "WHERE cookie=%s AND name=%s", (int(time.time()), cookie.value, row[0])) req.outcookie['trac_auth'] = cookie.value req.outcookie['trac_auth']['path'] = req.href() req.outcookie['trac_auth']['expires'] = self.trac_auth_expires return row[0]