#!/usr/bin/env python # License: # "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): # wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you # can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think # this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Matthew Good from setuptools import setup extra = {} try: from trac.util.dist import get_l10n_cmdclass cmdclass = get_l10n_cmdclass() if cmdclass: extra['cmdclass'] = cmdclass extractors = [ ('**.py', 'python', None), ('**/templates/**.html', 'genshi', None), ] extra['message_extractors'] = { 'acct_mgr': extractors, } # i18n is implemented to be optional here except ImportError: pass setup( name = 'TracAccountManager', version = '0.3', author = 'Matthew Good', author_email = 'trac@matt-good.net', maintainer = 'Steffen Hoffmann', maintainer_email = 'hoff.st@web.de', url = 'http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/AccountManagerPlugin', description = 'User account management plugin for Trac', license = 'THE BEER-WARE LICENSE', packages=['acct_mgr'], package_data={ 'acct_mgr': [ 'htdocs/*', 'locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo', 'locale/.placeholder', 'templates/*.html', 'templates/*.txt' ] }, test_suite = 'acct_mgr.tests.suite', zip_safe=True, install_requires = ['Genshi >= 0.5', 'Trac >= 0.11'], extras_require = {'Babel': 'Babel>= 0.9.5', 'Trac': 'Trac >= 0.12'}, entry_points = { 'trac.plugins': [ 'acct_mgr.admin = acct_mgr.admin', 'acct_mgr.api = acct_mgr.api', 'acct_mgr.db = acct_mgr.db', 'acct_mgr.htfile = acct_mgr.htfile', 'acct_mgr.http = acct_mgr.http', 'acct_mgr.pwhash = acct_mgr.pwhash', 'acct_mgr.svnserve = acct_mgr.svnserve', 'acct_mgr.web_ui = acct_mgr.web_ui', 'acct_mgr.notification = acct_mgr.notification', ] }, **extra )