import argparse import glob import logging import os import pexpect import random import re import subprocess import sys def _expect(line, current_cmd, do_re_escape=True, do_detect_slow=True, strip_comments=True, verbose=True): timeout = 2 slow_text_timeout = int(os.environ.get('SLOW_TEXT_TIMEOUT', 30)) veryslow_text_timeout = 2 * slow_text_timeout if do_detect_slow: slow_token = '$[slow]' if line.startswith(slow_token): print 'Slow line...' timeout = slow_text_timeout line = line.replace(slow_token, '', 1) veryslow_token = '$[veryslow]' if line.startswith(veryslow_token): print 'Very slow line...' timeout = veryslow_text_timeout line = line.replace(veryslow_token, '', 1) if verbose: print 'expecting', line if do_re_escape: line = re.escape(line) current_cmd.expect(line, timeout=timeout) TEST_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def vagrant_destroy(): subprocess.check_output(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f'], cwd=TEST_ROOT) def handle_test_script(vagrant_box_name, lines): current_cmd = None for line in lines: # Figure out what we want to do, given this line. if line.startswith('$[run]'): arg = line.replace('$[run]', '') arg = 'vagrant ssh ' + vagrant_box_name + ' -c "' + arg + '"' print 'starting', arg, '...' current_cmd = pexpect.spawn(arg, cwd=TEST_ROOT) elif '$[exitcode]' in line: left, right = map(lambda s: s.strip(), line.split('$[exitcode]')) # Expect end of file. current_cmd.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=1) current_cmd.close() assert current_cmd.exitstatus == int(right) elif '$[type]' in line: # First, we expect the left side. left, right = map(lambda s: s.strip(), line.split('$[type]')) _expect(left, current_cmd=current_cmd) if right == 'gensym': # instead of typing the literal string gensym, we generate # a hopefully unique collection of letters and numbers. right = ''.join( random.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', 10)) # Then we sendline the right side. current_cmd.sendline(right) else: # For now, assume the action is expect. _expect(line, current_cmd=current_cmd) def parse_test_file(headers_list): postconditions = [] cleanups = [] parsed_headers = {} for header in headers_list: key, value = map(lambda s: s.strip(), header.split(':')) key = key.lower() if key == 'vagrant-box': parsed_headers['vagrant-box'] = value if key == 'title': parsed_headers['title'] = value if key == 'vagrant-destroy-if-bash': if key not in parsed_headers: parsed_headers[key] = [] parsed_headers[key].append(value) if key == 'vagrant-precondition-bash': if key not in parsed_headers: parsed_headers[key] = [] parsed_headers[key].append(value) if key == 'postcondition': postconditions.append([key, value]) if key == 'cleanup': cleanups.append([key, value]) # Some keys are required. # # Also uh I should probably be using capnproto for this, hmm. for required_key in ['vagrant-box']: assert required_key in parsed_headers, "Missing %s" % (required_key,) return parsed_headers, postconditions, cleanups def handle_headers(parsed_headers): vagrant_box_name = parsed_headers['vagrant-box'] # Bring up VM, if needed. vagrant_up(vagrant_box_name) values = parsed_headers.get('vagrant-destroy-if-bash') if values: for value in values: full_bash_cmd = 'if [ %s ] ; then exit 0 ; else exit 1 ; fi' % ( value,) exitcode =['vagrant', 'ssh', vagrant_box_name, '-c', full_bash_cmd], cwd=TEST_ROOT) if exitcode == 0: print 'Destroying all...' vagrant_destroy() print 'Recreating as needed...' vagrant_up(vagrant_box_name) values = parsed_headers.get('vagrant-precondition-bash') if values: for value in values: full_bash_cmd = 'if [ %s ] ; then exit 0 ; else exit 1 ; fi' % ( value,) subprocess.check_output(['vagrant', 'ssh', vagrant_box_name, '-c', full_bash_cmd], cwd=TEST_ROOT) def handle_postconditions(postconditions_list): for key, value in postconditions_list: evald_value = eval(value) assert eval(value), "value of " + value + " was " + str( evald_value) def vagrant_up(vagrant_box_name): env_for_subprocess = os.environ.copy() env_for_subprocess['VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER'] = 'libvirt' subprocess.check_output( ['vagrant', 'up', vagrant_box_name], cwd=TEST_ROOT, env=env_for_subprocess, ) def run_one_test(filename): lines = open(filename).read().split('\n') position_of_blank_line = lines.index('') headers, test_script = (lines[:position_of_blank_line], lines[position_of_blank_line+1:]) parsed_headers, postconditions, cleanups = parse_test_file(headers) # Make the VM etc., if necessary. handle_headers(parsed_headers) print "*** Running test:", parsed_headers['title'] print " -> Extra info:", repr(headers) # Run the test script, using pexpect to track its output. try: handle_test_script(parsed_headers['vagrant-box'], test_script) except Exception, e: print e raise print 'Dazed and confused, but trying to continue.' # Run any sanity-checks in the test script, as needed. handle_postconditions(postconditions) # If the test knows it needs to do some cleanup, e.g. destroying # its VM, then do so. handle_cleanups(parsed_headers, cleanups) def uninstall_sandstorm(vagrant_box_name): for cmd in [ 'sudo pkill -9 sandstorm || true', 'sudo rm -rf /opt/sandstorm', 'sudo rm -rf $HOME/sandstorm', 'if [ -e /proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone ] ; then echo 0 | sudo dd of=/proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone ; fi', 'sudo pkill -9 sudo || true', ]: exitcode =['vagrant', 'ssh', vagrant_box_name, '-c', cmd], cwd=TEST_ROOT) assert (exitcode == 0), "Ran %s, got %s" % (cmd, exitcode) def handle_cleanups(parsed_headers, cleanups): for key, value in cleanups: print 'Doing cleanup task', value try: eval(value) except Exception, e: print 'Ran into error', e raise print 'Dazed and confused, but trying to continue.' def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run Sandstorm install script tests.') parser.add_argument('--rsync', help='Perform `vagrant rsync` to ensure the in the VM is current.', action='store_true', ) parser.add_argument('--uninstall-first', help='Before running tests, uninstall Sandstorm within the VMs.', action='store_true', ) parser.add_argument('--halt-afterward', help='After running the tests, stop the VMs.', action='store_true', ) parser.add_argument('testfiles', metavar='testfile', nargs='*', help='A *.t file to run (multiple is OK; empty testfile sequence means run all)', default=[], ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.uninstall_first: # TODO: Pull these out of the output of `vagrant status`. for vm in 'jessie', 'default', 'precise64': vagrant_up(vm) uninstall_sandstorm(vm) if args.rsync: subprocess.check_output( ['vagrant', 'rsync'], cwd=TEST_ROOT, ) testfiles = args.testfiles if not testfiles: testfiles = glob.glob('*.t') keep_going = True for filename in testfiles: try: if keep_going: run_one_test(filename) except: keep_going = False logging.exception("Alas! A test failed!") # If we need to stop the VMs, now's a good time to stop # them. if args.halt_afterward: subprocess.check_output( ['vagrant', 'halt'], cwd=TEST_ROOT, ) if not keep_going: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()