$Id: INSTALL,v 1.14 2005/05/23 10:46:44 leeh Exp $ ratbox-services installation guide ---------------------------------- 1. Decide which services you dont want compiled in. By default all will be compiled in, as they can be disabled in the config file. These can be listed via ./configure --help 2. Ensure you have a grammar/lexical parser installed. Bison and flex are recommended, though yacc and lex should do. 3. ratbox-services uses SQLite for storing the database. SQLite is simply a database interface to a normal file -- it does not run as a seperate daemon. ratbox-services requires version 2.x of sqlite, it will not work with version 3.x. If the configure script cannot find sqlite installed, it will build it itself. You may also force it to be built via the --with-sqlitebuild option, this is useful when the system-wide install is sqlite 3.x but is picked up by configure: ./configure [other options] --with-sqlitebuild You may prefer to have sqlite installed system wide. If that is the case, you should download sqlite version 2.x and install it yourself from: http://www.sqlite.org/download.html If sqlite is installed system wide but configure does not find it, and you want to use the system version instead, you may use: ./configure [other options] --with-sqlite=PATH configure will search PATH/include and PATH/lib for the needed sqlite parts. The sqlite included here is NOT suitable for installation system wide, only for building ratbox-services. See sqlite/README_RATBOX for more information. 4. Run the configure script. By default it will attempt to install to /usr/local/ratbox-services. If you want it in this directory, then as root you must first: mkdir /usr/local/ratbox-services chown youruser:yourgroup /usr/local/ratbox-services Then install as normal from your username. Services will not run as root, nor should you run make install as root. If you wish to install it to a different directory include the --prefix option: ./configure --prefix=/home/user/services If there are services you dont want compiled in, like the operbot, include the relevant option: ./configure --disable-operbot If SQLite is installed but configure doesnt find it, and you do not wish ratbox-services to build sqlite itself: ./configure --with-sqlite=PATH configure will search PATH/include and PATH/lib for the needed SQLite parts. If your nick or topic length set in ircd are different to 9 and 160 respectively, then: ./configure --with-nicklen=LENGTH ./configure --with-topiclen=LENGTH where LENGTH is a number. See ./configure --help for more information. Naturally, options should be combined so ./configure is only run once. 5. Run make 6. Run make install 7. Change to the directory it installed to. 8. Edit etc/example.conf and save it as etc/ratbox-services.conf. 9. Initialise your database, this must be done even if you are converting from hybserv: sqlite etc/ratbox-services.db < etc/schema.txt If ratbox-services compiled sqlite itself, the sqlite binary can be found in PREFIX/bin. If you are converting from hybserv, see the website for further instructions: http://services.ircd-ratbox.org/ 10. Run sbin/ratbox-services 11. Investigate PREFIX/bin/ircd-shortcut.pl if you wish to install command shortcuts for your services in your ircd, eg /chanserv etc.