CREATE EXTENSION zson; SELECT zson_extract_strings('true'); zson_extract_strings ---------------------- {} (1 row) SELECT zson_extract_strings('"aaa"'); zson_extract_strings ---------------------- {aaa} (1 row) SELECT zson_extract_strings('["some", ["dummy", "array"], 456, false]'); zson_extract_strings ---------------------- {some,dummy,array} (1 row) SELECT zson_extract_strings('{"IP":"","Roles":["master", "slave"]}'); zson_extract_strings ---------------------------------- {IP,Roles,,master,slave} (1 row) CREATE TABLE nocompress(x jsonb); INSERT INTO nocompress VALUES ('true'), ('123'), ('"aaa"'), ('["some", ["dummy", "array"], 456, false]'), (' [ {"ModifyIndex":1,"IP":"","Roles":["master"]}, {"ModifyIndex":2,"IP":"","Roles":["slave"]}, {"ModifyIndex":3,"IP":"","Roles":["master", "slave"]} ] '); SELECT zson_learn('{{"nocompress", "x"}}'); zson_learn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Done! Run " select * from zson_dict where dict_id = 0; " to see a dictionary. (1 row) SELECT dict_id, word FROM zson_dict ORDER BY dict_id, word COLLATE "C"; dict_id | word ---------+------------- 0 | IP 0 | ModifyIndex 0 | Roles 0 | master 0 | slave (5 rows) SELECT zson_learn('{{"nocompress", "x"}}', 10000, 1, 128, 1); zson_learn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Done! Run " select * from zson_dict where dict_id = 1; " to see a dictionary. (1 row) SELECT dict_id, word FROM zson_dict ORDER BY dict_id, word COLLATE "C"; dict_id | word ---------+------------- 0 | IP 0 | ModifyIndex 0 | Roles 0 | master 0 | slave 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | IP 1 | ModifyIndex 1 | Roles 1 | aaa 1 | array 1 | dummy 1 | master 1 | slave 1 | some (17 rows) SELECT '{"aaa": "ololo"}'::zson; zson ------------------ {"aaa": "ololo"} (1 row) SELECT '{"aaa": "ololo"}'::zson -> 'aaa'; ?column? ---------- "ololo" (1 row) CREATE TABLE zson_test(x zson); INSERT INTO zson_test VALUES('{"aaa":123}' :: jsonb); SELECT dict_id, word FROM zson_dict ORDER BY dict_id, word COLLATE "C"; dict_id | word ---------+------------- 0 | IP 0 | ModifyIndex 0 | Roles 0 | master 0 | slave 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | IP 1 | ModifyIndex 1 | Roles 1 | aaa 1 | array 1 | dummy 1 | master 1 | slave 1 | some (17 rows) SELECT x :: jsonb FROM zson_test; x -------------- {"aaa": 123} (1 row) DROP TABLE zson_test; DROP TABLE nocompress; DROP EXTENSION zson;