#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Simple script that uses openssl and c_rehash to set up a ca to generate certs # for test-mongoc-stream-tls use strict; use File::Copy; my $subj = "/C=US/ST=NY/L=New York/O=MongoDB Inc./OU=C Driver/SAN=foo.com/CN="; my ($ca_dir, $conf) = @ARGV; my @dirs = ( $ca_dir, "$ca_dir/build", "$ca_dir/verify", "$ca_dir/ca.db.certs", "$ca_dir/keys", "$ca_dir/crl", ); system("rm", "-rf", "$ca_dir"); # Create the relevant directory structure and files for a CA { for my $dir (@dirs) { mkdir $dir or die "Couldn't create dir: $!"; } set_file("$ca_dir/ca.db.index", ""); set_file("$ca_dir/ca.db.serial", "01\n"); set_file("$ca_dir/ca.db.rand", "151\n"); } # generate the root key and cert { openssl ("genrsa", "-out", "$ca_dir/signing-ca.key", "1024"); openssl ("req", "-new", "-x509", "-days", 365, "-key", "$ca_dir/signing-ca.key", "-out", "$ca_dir/signing-ca.crt", "-config", $conf, "-subj", "${subj}mongo_root"); copy ("$ca_dir/signing-ca.crt", "$ca_dir/verify/mongo_root.pem"); } # generate a simple password less cert { openssl("req", "-nodes", "-newkey", "rsa:1024", req_args("mongodb.com")); openssl("ca", ca_args("mongodb.com")); dist_files("mongodb.com"); } # generate a simple passworded cert { openssl ("req", "-passout", "pass:testpass", "-newkey", "rsa:1024", req_args ("pass.mongodb.com")); openssl ("ca", ca_args ("pass.mongodb.com")); dist_files ("pass.mongodb.com"); } # generate a cert and revoke it to test crls { openssl ("req", "-nodes", "-newkey", "rsa:1024", req_args ("rev.mongodb.com")); openssl ("ca", ca_args ("rev.mongodb.com")); dist_files ("rev.mongodb.com"); openssl ("ca", "-config", $conf, "-revoke", "$ca_dir/verify/rev.mongodb.com.pem"); openssl ("ca", "-config", $conf, "-gencrl", "-out", "$ca_dir/crl/root.crl.pem"); } # generate a cert with some alt names including a wild card { openssl ("req", "-nodes", "-newkey", "rsa:1024", req_args ("alt.mongodb.com")); openssl ("ca", "-extensions", "v3_req", ca_args ("alt.mongodb.com")); dist_files ("alt.mongodb.com"); } # generate a cert for localhost { openssl ("req", "-nodes", "-newkey", "rsa:1024", req_args ("")); openssl ("ca", ca_args ("")); dist_files (""); } # generate the hash directory structure ssl needs system("c_rehash", "$ca_dir/verify") and die "failed: $?"; sub dist_files { my ($name) = @_; system("cat '$ca_dir/build/$name.key' '$ca_dir/build/$name.crt' > '$ca_dir/keys/$name.pem'") and die "terribly: $?"; copy("$ca_dir/build/$name.crt", "$ca_dir/verify/$name.pem"); } sub ca_args { my $name = $_[0]; return "-batch", "-config", $conf, "-out", "$ca_dir/build/$name.crt", "-in", "$ca_dir/build/$name.req", ; } sub req_args { my $name = $_[0]; return ( "-keyout", "$ca_dir/build/$name.key", "-out", "$ca_dir/build/$name.req", "-config", $conf, "-subj", "$subj$name", ); } sub openssl { my @args = @_; system("openssl", @args) and die "failed: $?" } sub set_file { my ($name, $contents) = @_; open my $file, "> $name" or die "Couldn't open $name: $!"; print $file $contents; close $file; }