m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) AM_PROG_CC_C_O # OS Conditionals. AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_WIN32],[test "$os_win32" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_UNIX],[test "$os_win32" = "no"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_LINUX],[test "$os_linux" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_GNU],[test "$os_gnu" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_DARWIN],[test "$os_darwin" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_FREEBSD],[test "$os_freebsd" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_SOLARIS],[test "$os_solaris" = "yes"]) # Compiler Conditionals. AM_CONDITIONAL([COMPILER_GCC],[test "$c_compiler" = "gcc" && test "$cxx_compiler" = "g++"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([COMPILER_CLANG],[test "$c_compiler" = "clang" && test "$cxx_compiler" = "clang++"]) # Feature Conditionals AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_DEBUG],[test "$enable_debug" = "yes"]) # Bindings Conditionals AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_PYTHON],[test "$enable_python" = "yes"]) # C99 Features AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_STDBOOL],[test "$enable_stdbool" = "yes"]) # Should we use pthreads AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_PTHREADS],[test "$enable_pthreads" = "yes"]) # Should we compile the bundled libbson AM_CONDITIONAL([WITH_LIBBSON],[test "$with_libbson" = "bundled"]) # Should we avoid extra BSON_LIBS when linking (SunStudio) AM_CONDITIONAL([EXPLICIT_LIBS],[test "$with_gnu_ld" = "yes"]) # Should we build the examples. AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_EXAMPLES],[test "$enable_examples" = "yes"]) # Should we build the tests. AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_TESTS],[test "$enable_tests" = "yes"]) # Should we build man pages AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_MAN_PAGES],[test "$enable_man_pages" = "yes"]) # Should we build HTML documentation AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_HTML_DOCS],[test "$enable_html_docs" = "yes"]) AS_IF([test "$enable_html_docs" = "yes" && test -z "$YELP_BUILD"], [AC_MSG_ERROR([yelp-build must be installed to generate HTML documentation.])])