AC_ARG_ENABLE([sasl], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-sasl=@<:@auto/yes/no@:>@], [Use libsasl for Kerberos.])], [], [enable_sasl=auto]) SASL_CFLAGS= SASL_LIBS= sasl_mode=no AS_IF([test "$enable_sasl" != "no"],[ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SASL, [libsasl2], [sasl_mode=sasl2], [ AS_IF([test "$enable_sasl" != "no"],[ AC_CHECK_LIB([sasl2],[sasl_client_init],[have_sasl2_lib=yes],[have_sasl2_lib=no]) AC_CHECK_LIB([sasl],[sasl_client_init],[have_sasl_lib=yes],[have_sasl_lib=no]) if test "$have_sasl_lib" = "no" -a "$have_sasl2_lib" = "no" -a "$enable_sasl" = "yes" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You must install the Cyrus SASL libraries and development headers to enable SASL support.]) fi AC_CHECK_HEADER([sasl/sasl.h],[have_sasl_headers=yes],[have_sasl_headers=no]) if test "$have_sasl_headers" = "no" -a "$enable_sasl" = "yes" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You must install the Cyrus SASL development headers to enable SASL support.]) fi if test "$have_sasl_headers" -a "$have_sasl2_lib" = "yes" ; then sasl_mode=sasl2 SASL_LIBS=-lsasl2 fi if test "$have_sasl_headers" -a "$have_sasl_lib" = "yes" ; then sasl_mode=sasl SASL_LIBS=-lsasl fi ]) ]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_SASL], [test "$sasl_mode" != "no"]) AC_SUBST(SASL_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(SASL_LIBS) dnl Let know about SASL status. if test "$sasl_mode" != "no" ; then AC_SUBST(MONGOC_ENABLE_SASL, 1) else AC_SUBST(MONGOC_ENABLE_SASL, 0) fi