* Compiling and installing XSP ------------------------------- We will assume you want to install XSP in /usr. To compile XSP from a fresh git clone (as opposed to a tarball), run this first: ./autogen.sh To compile XSP and install it to /usr: ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install If you don't specify --prefix, it will default to /usr/local. If ./configure finds a working 'gmcs' it will automatically build a 2.0 profile version of xsp, named xsp2. * Running XSP with the bundled tests ------------------------------------ Go to /usr/lib/xsp/test directory and run: mono /usr/bin/xsp.exe You can optionally provide a port where the server should listen on: mono /usr/bin/xsp.exe --port 80 The default port is 8080. There are other command line options. Run: mono /usr/bin/xsp.exe --help to display all of them. Notes for MS runtime users ---------------------------- If you're compiling under windows, you may need to copy xsp.exe, ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll and Mono.Http.dll (distributed with mono) to xsp/server and xsp/server/test/bin directories if it's not installed for the system. (*) In windows, if you want to build xsp using csc, do: MCS=csc make You will also need IIS with support for ASP.NET for xsp to work with the MS runtime.