%{ /* * dpas-scanner.l - Input file for lex for the Dynamic Pascal token syntax. * * Copyright (C) 2004 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd. * * This file is part of the libjit library. * * The libjit library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * The libjit library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the libjit library. If not, see * . */ #include "dpas-internal.h" #include "dpas-parser.h" #include #ifndef HAVE_UNISTD_H # define YY_NO_UNISTD_H #endif extern YYSTYPE yylval; /* * Current file and line number. */ char *dpas_filename = ""; long dpas_linenum = 1; /* * Return a token code from the lexical analyser. */ #define RETURNTOK(x) return (x) /* * Parse a string value. */ static char *dpas_parse_string(const char *text) { int quote = *text++; char *str = (char *)jit_malloc(jit_strlen(text)); char *temp; if(!str) { dpas_out_of_memory(); } temp = str; while(*text != '\0') { if(text[0] == quote && text[1] == quote) { *temp++ = (char)quote; text += 2; } else if(text[0] == quote) { break; } else { *temp++ = *text++; } } *temp = '\0'; return str; } /* * Parse a floating-point value. */ static jit_nfloat dpas_parse_float(const char *text) { double value = 0.0; sscanf(text, "%lf", &value); return (jit_nfloat)value; } /* * Infer the best type for an integer constant. */ static void dpas_infer_type(YYSTYPE *lval) { jit_ulong value = lval->int_const.value; if(value <= (jit_ulong)(jit_long)jit_max_int) { lval->int_const.type = jit_type_int; } else if(value <= (jit_ulong)jit_max_uint) { lval->int_const.type = jit_type_uint; } else if(value <= (jit_ulong)jit_max_long) { lval->int_const.type = jit_type_long; } else { lval->int_const.type = jit_type_ulong; } } /* * Parse a decimal integer value. */ static void dpas_parse_decimal(const char *text, YYSTYPE *lval) { jit_ulong value = 0; while(*text != '\0') { value = value * 10 + (jit_ulong)(*text - '0'); ++text; } lval->int_const.value = value; dpas_infer_type(lval); } /* * Parse a hexadecimal integer value. */ static void dpas_parse_hex(const char *text, YYSTYPE *lval) { jit_ulong value = 0; while(*text != '\0') { if(*text >= '0' && *text <= '9') { value = value * 16 + (jit_ulong)(*text - '0'); } else if(*text >= 'A' && *text <= 'F') { value = value * 16 + (jit_ulong)(*text - 'A' + 10); } else if(*text >= 'a' && *text <= 'f') { value = value * 16 + (jit_ulong)(*text - 'a' + 10); } ++text; } lval->int_const.value = value; dpas_infer_type(lval); } /* * Forward declaration. */ static void dpas_skip_comment(int star_style); %} %option outfile="lex.yy.c" %option noyywrap %option nounput %option case-insensitive DIGIT [0-9] HEX [0-9A-Fa-f] IDALPHA [a-zA-Z_] EXPONENT [Ee][+-]?{DIGIT}+ WHITE [ \t\v\r\f] %% "<>" { RETURNTOK(K_NE); } "<=" { RETURNTOK(K_LE); } ">=" { RETURNTOK(K_GE); } ":=" { RETURNTOK(K_ASSIGN); } ".." { RETURNTOK(K_DOT_DOT); } "**" { RETURNTOK(K_POW); } "and" { RETURNTOK(K_AND); } "array" { RETURNTOK(K_ARRAY); } "begin" { RETURNTOK(K_BEGIN); } "case" { RETURNTOK(K_CASE); } "catch" { RETURNTOK(K_CATCH); } "const" { RETURNTOK(K_CONST); } "div" { RETURNTOK(K_DIV); } "do" { RETURNTOK(K_DO); } "downto" { RETURNTOK(K_DOWNTO); } "else" { RETURNTOK(K_ELSE); } "end" { RETURNTOK(K_END); } "exit" { RETURNTOK(K_EXIT); } "fastcall" { RETURNTOK(K_FASTCALL); } "finally" { RETURNTOK(K_FINALLY); } "for" { RETURNTOK(K_FOR); } "forward" { RETURNTOK(K_FORWARD); } "function" { RETURNTOK(K_FUNCTION); } "goto" { RETURNTOK(K_GOTO); } "if" { RETURNTOK(K_IF); } "in" { RETURNTOK(K_IN); } "label" { RETURNTOK(K_LABEL); } "import" { RETURNTOK(K_IMPORT); } "mod" { RETURNTOK(K_MOD); } "module" { RETURNTOK(K_MODULE); } "nil" { RETURNTOK(K_NIL); } "not" { RETURNTOK(K_NOT); } "of" { RETURNTOK(K_OF); } "or" { RETURNTOK(K_OR); } "packed" { RETURNTOK(K_PACKED); } "pow" { RETURNTOK(K_POW); } "procedure" { RETURNTOK(K_PROCEDURE); } "program" { RETURNTOK(K_PROGRAM); } "record" { RETURNTOK(K_RECORD); } "repeat" { RETURNTOK(K_REPEAT); } "set" { RETURNTOK(K_SET); } "shl" { RETURNTOK(K_SHL); } "shr" { RETURNTOK(K_SHR); } "sizeof" { RETURNTOK(K_SIZEOF); } "stdcall" { RETURNTOK(K_STDCALL); } "then" { RETURNTOK(K_THEN); } "throw" { RETURNTOK(K_THROW); } "to" { RETURNTOK(K_TO); } "try" { RETURNTOK(K_TRY); } "type" { RETURNTOK(K_TYPE); } "until" { RETURNTOK(K_UNTIL); } "var" { RETURNTOK(K_VAR); } "va_arg" { RETURNTOK(K_VA_ARG); } "with" { RETURNTOK(K_WITH); } "while" { RETURNTOK(K_WHILE); } "xor" { RETURNTOK(K_XOR); } '(''|[^'])*' { yylval.name = dpas_parse_string(yytext); RETURNTOK(STRING_CONSTANT); } \"(\"\"|[^"])*\" { yylval.name = dpas_parse_string(yytext); RETURNTOK(STRING_CONSTANT); } {IDALPHA}({DIGIT}|{IDALPHA})* { yylval.name = jit_strdup(yytext); if(!(yylval.name)) { dpas_out_of_memory(); } RETURNTOK(IDENTIFIER); } {DIGIT}+{EXPONENT} { yylval.real_const = dpas_parse_float(yytext); RETURNTOK(REAL_CONSTANT); } {DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}*{EXPONENT} { yylval.real_const = dpas_parse_float(yytext); RETURNTOK(REAL_CONSTANT); } {DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}+ { yylval.real_const = dpas_parse_float(yytext); RETURNTOK(REAL_CONSTANT); } {DIGIT}+"."[^.] { yylval.real_const = dpas_parse_float(yytext); RETURNTOK(REAL_CONSTANT); } {DIGIT}{HEX}*[hH] { dpas_parse_hex(yytext, &yylval); RETURNTOK(INTEGER_CONSTANT); } {DIGIT}+ { dpas_parse_decimal(yytext, &yylval); RETURNTOK(INTEGER_CONSTANT); } {WHITE}+ ; \n { ++dpas_linenum; } "{" { dpas_skip_comment(0); } "(*" { dpas_skip_comment(1); } . { RETURNTOK(((int)(yytext[0])) & 0xFF); } %% void dpas_load_file(char *filename, FILE *file) { char *saved_filename; long saved_linenum; YY_BUFFER_STATE saved_buffer; YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer; extern int yyparse(void); /* Save the current state */ saved_filename = dpas_filename; saved_linenum = dpas_linenum; saved_buffer = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; /* Create a buffer for the new file */ new_buffer = yy_create_buffer(file, BUFSIZ); if(!new_buffer) { dpas_out_of_memory(); } /* Switch to the new state */ dpas_filename = filename; dpas_linenum = 1; yy_switch_to_buffer(new_buffer); /* Call the parser */ if(yyparse()) { dpas_error_reported = 1; } /* Bail out if this was the top-most file in the parse process, because flex cannot switch to a NULL buffer */ if(!saved_buffer) { return; } /* Switch back to the original file */ dpas_filename = saved_filename; dpas_linenum = saved_linenum; yy_switch_to_buffer(saved_buffer); /* Delete the buffer that we used on the file we just parsed */ yy_delete_buffer(new_buffer); } /* * Skip a comment in the input stream. */ static void dpas_skip_comment(int star_style) { int ch; for(;;) { ch = input(); if(ch == EOF) { break; } else if(ch == '}' && !star_style) { break; } else if(ch == '*' && star_style) { ch = input(); while(ch == '*') { ch = input(); } if(ch == EOF || ch == ')') { break; } else if(ch == '\n') { ++dpas_linenum; } } else if(ch == '\n') { ++dpas_linenum; } } }