Jode is available in the download area in source or binary form. For compiling the source code, you need several other packages, check the links page. You need a unix like environment for compilation.

The simplest way to get it, especially for non unix users, is in precompiled form, though. There are two jar archives in the download area:

You can get the latest sources from the SVN repository. Follow the instruction on that page; use /svnroot/jode/trunk/jode as last part of the URL. If you want to checkout a specific version you can checkout the URL .../svnroot/jode/tags/xxx/jode:

To build the sources from latest SVN change to the main directory and invoke ant.

To build the 1.1 versions of jode change to the main directory and run

aclocal && automake -a && autoconf

Afterwards follow the instruction in the INSTALL file.