#Needs: fonts/MinionPro-Regular.otf # Check that our new subroutine usage in cff fonts produces an equivalent font. Open($1) Generate("MinionPro.otf") Open("MinionPro.otf"); #comparing fonts exactly doesn't work because ff will remove control points #if it thinks they are colinear with the to end points. if ( CompareFonts($1,"/dev/null",0x1|0x8|0x20)!=0 ) Error("!!!! Otf Font differed"); endif Open($1) if ( SizeOf(GetLookups("GSUB"))<=0 ) Error("No lookups") endif Select("uni0394"); SelectMore("uni03A9"); SelectMore("uni03BC"); DetachAndRemoveGlyphs() Generate("MinionPro.pfb") Open("MinionPro.pfb"); if ( CompareFonts($1,"/dev/null",0x1|0x20)!=0 ) Error("!!!! Pfb Font differed"); endif