Basic Installation ================== First, you'll need a few prerequisites. - the latest libopkele from It's a C++ implementation of important OpenID functions. - libsqlite from SQLite C libs Next, run: $> ./configure or $> ./configure --help to see additional options that can be specified. Next, run: $> make $> su root $> make install Make sure that the file /tmp/mod_auth_openid.db is owned by the user running Apache. You can do this by (assuming www-data is the user running apache): $> su root $> touch /tmp/mod_auth_openid.db $> chown www-data /tmp/mod_auth_openid.db Or you can specify an alternate location that the user running apache has write privieges on (see the docs for the AuthOpenIDDBLocation directive on the homepage). Usage ================== In either a Directory, Location, or File directive in httpd.conf, place the following directive: AuthOpenIDEnabled On There are also additional, optional directives. See the homepage for a list and docs. The user's identity URL will be available in the REMOTE_USER cgi environment variable after authentication. See for more information.