# Blosxom Plugin: moreentries # Author(s): Jason Clark # Version: 0+1i # Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://www.blosxom.com # moreentries plugin Home/Docs/Licensing: # http://jclark.org/weblog/WebDev/Blosxom/plugins/moreentries package moreentries; # --- Configurable variables ----- # If set to 1, the html created by $moreentries::links will have simple style attribs $selfstyle =1; # -------------------------------- use vars qw/ $active $totalposts $start $end $prevlink $nextlink $nextcount $links $selfstyle /; sub start { return 1; } sub filter { # moreentries has some special requirements we're going to # address here: # * must be last filter to run - we'll check our pos in # @blosxom::plugins. If we're not last, move us and # exit, otherwise procede # * need to operate on sorted entries - since sort() # hasn't run yet, and isn't even defined yet, we'll # have to mimic blosxom's behavior, i.e, find and run # the apropriate plugin's sort() my ($self, $files, $others) = @_; $active = undef; $start = $end = $prevlink = $nextlink = undef; # $num_entries is ignored for date-based urls, or if num_entries not in use return 1 if $blosxom::path_info_yr =~ /\d/ or !defined($blosxom::num_entries) or $blosxom::num_entries < 1; my $pos; for(my $i=0;$i<@blosxom::plugins;$i++) { if($blosxom::plugins[$i] eq 'moreentries') { $pos=$i; last; } } return 0 unless $pos; unless ($pos==$#blosxom::plugins) { #we're not last plugin, so move us splice @blosxom::plugins, $pos, 1; push @blosxom::plugins, 'moreentries'; return 1; } #made it this far, time to do our stuff. First, do we need to? #filter out posts outside of requested path my $currentdir = $blosxom::path_info; if ( $currentdir =~ /(.*?)([^\/]+)\.(.+)$/ and $2 ne 'index' ) { $currentdir = "$1$2.$blosxom::file_extension"; } else { $currentdir =~ s!/index\..+$!!; } foreach my $path_file (keys %{$files}) { my ($path,$fn) = $path_file =~ m!^$blosxom::datadir/(?:(.*)/)?(.*)\.$blosxom::file_extension!; # Only stories in the right hierarchy ($path =~ /^$currentdir/ or $path_file eq "$blosxom::datadir/$currentdir") and next; #print STDERR "path='$path', curdir='$currentdir', pathfile='$path_file', ddir='$datadir'\n"; delete $files->{$path_file}; } $totalposts = scalar(keys %{$files}); print STDERR "TOTALPOSTS='$totalposts'\n"; return 1 if $totalposts <= $blosxom::num_entries; #guess we do. $active = 1; # Define a default sort subroutine my $sort = sub { my($files_ref) = @_; return sort { $files_ref->{$b} <=> $files_ref->{$a} } keys %$files_ref; }; # Allow for the first encountered plugin::sort subroutine to override the # default built-in sort subroutine my $tmp; foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { $plugins{$plugin} > 0 and $plugin->can('sort') and defined($tmp = $plugin->sort()) and $sort = $tmp and last; } my @sorted = &$sort($files, $others); $start = (blosxom::param("_start") or 1); $end = $start + $blosxom::num_entries -1; $end = $totalposts if $end > $totalposts; #trim %files for (my $i=0;$i<$start-1;$i++) { delete $files->{$sorted[$i]}; } for (my $i=$end; $i<$totalposts; $i++) { delete $files->{$sorted[$i]}; } #setup prevlink, nextlink my $url = blosxom::self_url(); $url =~ s/[&\?;]_start=\d+//g; $url =~ s/[&?;]-\w+=\d+//g; $url =~ s/\?\s*$//; my $appendchar = $url =~ /\?/ ? "&" : "?"; my $prev = $start - $blosxom::num_entries; $prev = 1 if $prev < 0; my $next = $end + 1; $prevlink = "$url${appendchar}_start=$prev" if $start > 1; $nextlink = "$url${appendchar}_start=$next" if $end < $totalposts; $nextcount = $totalposts - $end; $nextcount = $blosxom::num_entries if $nextcount > $blosxom::num_entries; my $style = $selfstyle? "style='padding:0 15px'" : ''; $links = "
"; if (defined($prevlink)) { $links .= "Previous $blosxom::num_entries entries"; } $links .= ""; if (defined($nextlink)) { $links .= "Next $nextcount entries"; } $links .= "
"; return 1; } sub sort() { return undef; } 1; __END__ =head1 Name Blosxom Plug-In: moreentries =head1 Synopsis When the Blosxom variable $num_entries is set to a non-zero number, Any non-date style request(category or root url) will only display $num_entries entries on the page. No method is provided to see subsequent entries (aside from using date-urls to browse back in time, and this can't be combined with categories). moreentries enables these addional entries to be viewed. moreentries adds the ability for blosxom urls to accept an _start parameter, for example: http://jclark.org/weblog/index.html?_start=11 Will show you all the weblog entries *after* the first 10. moreentries also offers several variable to allow you to add Next and Previous links to your templates, and to show the current range of posts, and total posts. PLEASE NOTE: Probably doens't work with static rendering. Untested. =head2 Quick Start Just drop it in your $plugin_dir. There is only one config variable, which we will ignore for the quick start; see next section for more info. You'll need to modify your head or foot template to see the links. For a quick start, add $moreentries::links to your head or foot template. And of course, your blosxom.cgi must have a (nonzero) value set for $num_entries. That's it; you should now have next & previous functionality. =head1 More Info moreentries exposes the following variables for use in your templates. None of these are per-story, and are generally suited for use in your head or foot template. $moreentries::active - true if the plugin is 'in use'. This will be false if the url is a date url (blosxom ignores $num_entries), or if there are not at least $num_entries entries matching the request, or if $num_entries is not set. $moreentries::totalposts - total number of entries that match the request $moreentries::start - the number of the first entry being displayed $moreentries::end - the number of the last entry being displayed $moreentries::links - inserts (x)HTML containing links to the previous and next batch of entries. If one (or both) of these links does not apply ( for example, when viewing the first batch of entries, there are no previous entries) there is no link. The output of $moreentries::links will look like this:
Previous 10 entries Next 10 entries
The embedded style prevents the links from being right next to each other. This output is sufficient for a quick drop-in. If you'd like to control CSS styles yourself, there is a confi variable ( $selfstyle ) that controls this, just set it to 0. If you want even more control over your output, there are some additional variables you can use: $moreentries::prevlink - if $moreentries::start is not 1, this will contain an URL to move to the previous batch of entries. Will be undef if no Previous batch (i.e., $moreentries::start =1) $moreentries::nextlink - if $moreentries::end < $morrentries::totalposts, this will contain an URL to the next batch of entries. Will be undef if no Next batch (i.e., $moreentries::end = $moreentries::totalposts) $moreentries::nextcount - If there is a next batch, this contains the number of posts in it. This is normally $num_entries, except when there arent enough entries left. For example, if there are 12 posts in the Rants category, and your $num_entries is 10, then $morrentries::nextcount will be 2. There is one config variable, explained above in the discussion of $moreentries::links: $moreentries::selfstyle - when set, $moreentries::links will contain simple style attribs. =head1 Internals This is a big ugly hack. The only entrypoint that worked for this is the filter() hook; the problem is that when filter() is called, the sort() routine hasn't run (isn't even decided on yet!), and %files contains all posts, not just the ones matching the request. Even running as filter, it has to be the last plugin to run, so that any other filtering happens before we decide the 'numbering' of the posts. The way it works: when filter() is called, we check @plugins to see if moreentries is the last plugin. If not, we munge @plugins, making us the last plugin, and return. If we are the last plugin (as we eventually will be), then we proceed. The next step is rather inefficient: we have to sort %files to number them, so we check all plugins for a sort() routine, providing a default if none is found. This code is stolen wholesale from blosxom.cgi. Once they are sorted, we get rid of all files that don't match the request url (anything in the wrong category, essentially). This code is also stolen from blosxom.cgi, with a couple of adjustments. Finally, we delete all the posts before our start (as provided by the param _start), and all posts after our ending post. Thus, when filter is done, %files only contains the posts that will be displayed. This makes redundant much of the code that runs in blosxom after this. =head1 Version 0+1i =head1 Author Jason Clark (jason@jclark.org; http://jclark.org/weblog) =Head1 Acknowledgements Thanks to Fletcher T. Penny (http://fletcher.freeshell.org/) for helping test the plugin. =head1 See Also Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://www.blosxom.com/ Blosxom Plugin Docs: http://www.blosxom.com/documentation/users/plugins.html =head1 Bugs This whole thing is a big hack, see the Internals section above for some info. This should probably be implemented as part of the core Blosxom application. Not tested at all with static rendering, probably won't work. =head1 License This Blosxom Plug-in Copyright 2003, Jason Clark (This license is the same as Blosxom's) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.